Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Mathieu de Courtnay II


Bored Brit

Brought forth by the scent of green sailors and a hold of rich
cargo, the crew of the Darktide made chase. Hunting the KTS
Intrepid Chance with the vigor and efficiency of such trained
predators of the sea, one would be forgiven for betting against
the merchant ship and it's amateur crew.

A maiden voyage, a captain's first command; a test of strength.
The Intrepid Chance sought not to flee, nor did it seek a bleak
surrender into the hands of the monsters of the sea. Instead, it
turned about and met their enemy head on. By the luck of Jax
and well placed cannonfire, a hard earned victory was won and
a message was sent.

The EKTC were ready to take their place at sea and they would
not take no for an answer.


OOC: Total rewrite- but not much added save for a rework of the current 3 relations.
PM me on discord if you want to be added up there- but its mostly reserved for those
that Mathieu considers to be his close friends.​


Bored Brit

I hereby restate my claim upon the land of
my father; Haven, in primacy and personal
union over all other claims and positions that
I hold. It is to be held, in trust for me, by the
Esteemed Exalt of Ignis Synnove, until such
time arrives that I may manage its needs

This is simply an announcement of legality
and bears no change upon the loyalties and
duties I hold elsewhere at this time.

This is my right.

Landesfürst Mathaeus zu Haven
Graf von Eberbau
Junker von Kourtnay
Admiral zu Kaltstaat
Steward zu Storm's Landing
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Bored Brit
- I -

"..And in the case of the East Kaltic Trading Company, we find that it's outstanding debts to it's backers are in excess of reasonable expectation. As the shareholders of this enterprise, we have come to the conclusion that the Duke von Kourtnay is not best serving our interests and wish to make appeal to the Crown and this orderly assembly to assist us in recovering our capital."

A pang of dread flashed through Mathieu at the thought of his financial failures being brought before the entirety of the Empire's nobility. He settled his good eye upon the speaker; an aged man, with more bulk about his waist than was perhaps proper of a Kaltic Burgher, who spoke with such a droning tone that seemed to beg its sorry listeners to drift into slumber. His eye then drifted to the Burgher's peers. Each were clad in the rarest finery and had grown fat from his labours. Each had been welcomed into the fold at his pleasure, a fact that had conveniently been forgotten now that his luck had dried out.

No- not dried out. His fortune was based on his skill, not luck, Mathieu reminded himself with a sigh.

His gloved hand rubbed at the eyepatch and he was reminded of another loss he had faced due to a lack of skill. So lost in his thoughts, Mathieu had failed to realise the man was still talking.

"..and it is our belief that if He is incapable of delivering upon his responsibilities to this enterprise, a new individual should take the helm and return us once more to prosp-"

The man grew silent. Heads turned. Each man looked at Mathieu with an expression of tired disdain.

Mathieu stared back.

He was stood at the head of the table and shaking his head in denial.

An outstretched finger pointed to the gathered investors and he strode from the room, speechless.​


Bored Brit

Parchment blackened and curled as Mathieu set it's corner to the candle upon his cluttered desk. Flame licked at the page, burned away the words. Without the evidence of his embarassment, he could pretend that this was just another night. He could lie to himself as he looked down at the open books laid out before him. He could continue working. He could- he could see the ash falling upon the pages.

They smudged carelessly upon the delicately scribed tables and calculations.

He was sat in near darkness holding little more than a corner of the remaining parchment in shaking hands. His fingertips burned. With a wave he doused the flame and discarded the scrap. His focus drawn back to his books.

Disbelief played across Mathieu's features in the flickering candlelight. Those two books lay open, each thicker than the length of his hand. Each was filled with the marks of his quill and each had stolen years from his life. They would be taken away in the morning. Along with all else that he held in trust for the Landing. It had always been a matter of time; he knew that. But he couldn't help himself but feel melancholy. He couldn't help but yearn for their comfort.

With a heavy sigh he reached out and pinched the candleflame with his fingertips. The room was beset by darkness. Mathieu sat in silence, powerless.​