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Deceased Melosa Crow


Lord of Altera
One Melosa is not some bloody possession he can 'steal', She is a person. If you want her back freaking fight for her.
Yes she is still alive.

It's not Robert, it is his Moor Elf alt. But she has not seen him in a year soo...
And it was two thank you very much. :l
Sorry for the use of steal as if she was an object... I haven't been online much to fight for her as well. Crap excuse but whatever. On a side note: People think she's pregnant because that's what ACU said...
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The Brainz
Retired Staff
Sorry for the use of steal as if she was an object... I haven't been online much to fight for her as well. Crap excuse but whatever. On a side note: People think she's pregnant because that's what ACU said...
Welp it is not true, I can assure you. Why he said that? I have no clue. And it is fine that you are not online.
And @ACU20 please cut that out. xD :p
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Lord of Altera
I believe you are in the possession of a coin now~

*Totally sits, if he was already sitting though, he sits harder~*


The Lurker
Retired Staff
I wish there was a, "Well that's fascinating" rating that I could give. Or, " :eek: ". Or maybe even a, "Whoa." But there's not. So I'll have to settle for liking that update post.


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Vlad always doubted her, she never really liked Jishrim tbh :p
Excuse you. She did.

But she couldn't stand the fact that 95% of the people who cared about her and She cared about as well kept telling her over and over and over again how Vlad and Jishrim would use her. And for the longest time she refused to believe them. Then suddenly Melsoa is walking with Salheira moments after waking from a traumatic event and what does Vlad do? He chases them, knocks Melosa out, tries to kill the woman who was helping her And puts her in a bloody cell. That was not smart and if Vlad thought she was going to continue to be his devout little follower he was dead wrong. And then she got to thinking what really has Jishrim done for her to earn such devotion? Her family does much more and she just refuses to believe them but she chooses to believe a god that probably could care less about her honestly.

Then she hears that Ashna is preaching about the Grey Lady and she is curious. She goes to hear it out of curiosity because the last time she spoke to Ashna she brought up many great points. So she went and some of what she heard scared her, thinking about the after life and how she would be judged and this, woke her up. She snapped out of the dream that Jishrim and Vlad could make it all better when they have done nothing for her. So lol no. Do not pretend OOCly to know what my character thinks about something.

Edit: I posted this from my phone.. so yeah, probably a few typos.
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