Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Mikael1026 Application [Approved - Tantara]

Mikael Floyd

Mikael Floyd-Application​
1. 1. My Minecraft name is Mikael1026
2. 2. I am 15 years old
3. 3. Male
4. 4. I live in the United States of America

5. 5.Yes, I have read the Tome of Citizenship and I agree to it.

6. 6.I have always been interested in role-play servers and have always wanted desperately to be a part of one. They simulate the “real-life” aspect of Minecraft and can also simulate how the world came to becivilized (the closest we have ever been to simulating, electronically)

7. 7. As I have stated before, I am Mikael1026 and I personally think Minecraft is not only a great game, but a great way to become social and trains you how to act rationally and civil in desperate times. I am interested in sports and gaming, particularly online. I have been a part of MANY Minecraft servers and have often been promoted to admin of servers. However, I have not been an admin of greatly popular servers and in some cases; I had become friends with the admin on other servers. I play the trombone in my high school marching band and I am also on my schools tennis team. I am an active member of my schools debate team as well. I am here because I love RP servers and want to be a part of a good one (not many good ones out there!). I’m sure this one will be the best RP I have been on!

8. 8. N/A

9. 9. N/A

10. Yes, I do realize that and in my Minecraft years, I have NEVER used any forms of hacks (mainly because I have no idea how to install them) and because I like saying that I play legitly!

11. I found this server from (not only a fellow minecrafter) but also a good friend, irl. He played on your server FOR 1 DAY and told me I must go on because it is amazing! So here I am….trying to get on epic server!​

12. No I haven’t, but I am doing so now!


Resigned Admin
Say that next time then :p

Anyways, I'm going to accept you
Before you do anything, I really recommend flipping through the Altera Census to get a feel for the possible towns in Altera. When you start, you'll spawn in the town of Brustenburg. Use the Altera Survival Guide to find your way to Port Silver and the docks there to start to visit towns that you'd like. You've got to live in a town on this server, so its beneficial to know what sort of town you're looking for when you start.
Also, please read the rules one last time on the wiki tab to make sure that you've got a handle of things. I'd like to put an extra emphasis on the anti x-ray rule. Any use of black magic will be discovered.
Feel free to pm myself or any other mod/admin with any questions that you may have. Users with a red name in-game are moderators or admins.

Welcome to Altera!