Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Minecraftingdon's Application - [Approved - Halfmad]

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1. Minecraftingdon.
2. Don Bosco.
3. 17.
4. Male.
5. The United States of America
6. Yes.
7. A. I personally love role playing. As a creative mind, Hollow World is perfect for me, as I am very interested in the Medieval Times. I like to create lore when my mind isn't currently occupied, so I am able to quickly create lore.
B. Having payed many World of Warcraft RP servers, doing the same the Runescape, and playing Fable 2 and 3, I am well qualified to be a part of the King's server.
8. Hello. I hail from the land of York. The new one that is! I am a student, and strive to be the top of thy class.I enjoy playing a radically new game referred to as, " football." While I was on my most recent quest, seeking a Minecraft server, in which supported role playing, I am honored that the king, thy lord, has given me the opportunity to be of his service. I pledge to serve thy lord with the honor, dignity, and respect, in which he deserves. That shall pledge thy loyalty to him and the country in which he gives me the exception to reside in. Thank you, and good day.
9. I do not have any pictures of large scale projects, in which you seek, but.. I do have art I made to show I am creative!
10. I know some C++.. Other than that, no! I have nothing I would like to share with thy lord, except for thy humble service to him.
11. Yes.


<3 Hollow World
Don it's a little weak in areas but you're clearly wanting to RP which is what we're after. I'm happy to give you a chance on HW. Just ensure you know the rules and have the appropriate type of skin before logging on :)

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