Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
The magus Nwalme Fuvur, as he is explicitly titled in the shoutings of heralds sent to and fro to major cities, is calling upon all alchemsits, metallurgists, dwarves - especially dwarves, and blacksmiths to venture to Sanardu. And to bring with them the most durable material they can create, in the most structually (or mechanically) complex form they can possibly create. That must still be able to be held in a hand.

The reward, just as explicitly, is said to be "magical" and something of the winner's choice.

tl;dr nwalme wants people to do all the leg work of making a magical artifact for him in exchange for something of equal caliber

Saturday, June 24th, 3pm EST. Family friendly.
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Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Promise of something valuable vs. getting beheaded
Will be there


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
the most durable material they can create, in the most structurally (or mechanically) complex form.
Rarest of all the wondrous discoveries to be made here, the Nether Star is an object of myth and mystery, a crystal said to focus magic as a lens focuses an image. Ancient manuscripts speak of the crystal as a six-pointed star, far too fine to have been cut by even Elven or Dwarven hands, though it was later identified by scholars as a stellated octahedron, or "star tetrahedron" possessed of a complex internal structure. At first glance, the crystal appears opaque, with a white, opalescent sheen, but hold it before a lantern and one would behold a faint translucence to the so-called "Star".
Blarg you nerd, you just want a fake cheap nether star
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