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Moor elves Lore


Lord of Altera
I have a question about the Moor elves lore, because I would like to make my alt a Moor elf, but I can't find the lore page. Does this mean I can't make my new alt a Moor, or that I am just very blind?
If it is the second, could you give me a link to the page please?
Thanks for now.


Insert Custom Title here
As far as I am aware, and don't quote me on this because I can be wrong, there's no official lore page for the Moor Elf race. However, you are more than free to create a Moor Elf!

These are the words of just a helpful player, not a staff member or council member, so I could be wrong!


Lord of Altera
you can still make a moor elf, but the lore was put into the garbage so you can make them into anything you want. since there is technically no lore on it that is.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Well, the thing about it is that the lore is being rewritten. It is exists, but it is not made public because staff is reworking it. The information in those links is currently outdated. This is why there's no lore in the official race thread, as currently, Moor Elves are under review. I would peruse the old lore threads, but speak to Solus or Faelin about any specific changes before making the character.


Lord of Altera
Yeah, I was talking with Baelin and I think Solus has been putting together some Moor Elf lore for/with her. Should be done soon! ^.^


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Currently working through Solus' lore for Moor Elves, so there should be something up very soon. (Hoping that we'll be done by Monday.) Until then, there's nothing to stop you making a character though - provided you use common sense with the character and their behaviour. :)