Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Multiple RP Characters [On the same account]


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
DISCLAIMER: Scardrac originally created this thread/post. He has requested a current staff member repost it, and so here it is.

This is a rule that is not heavily enforced. I get caught up explaining it to people in-game that use two or three (maybe even five) characters on the same account at the same time.
I'm making this thread to state that this is not allowed.
There are SOME exceptions, which are:

  • Event characters [Which should first be found an alt for.] If you don't have an alt for the character or you already have them, it's okay to switch off every so often for event RPs if it is not at an extreme level.(Small minuscule happenings such as a dinner that may need a servant can be counted as events; Temp characters are allowed.)
  • RP experiments. [Such as trying out for a new RP character.] It should be done if your character is ready to die in the next RP you have with that character. [This also means that if you have the new character you can RP one last time with the older character to finish or complete RPs of previous happenings.]
  • Having one alternate character is fine, as long as you leave an appropriate amount of time spaced out when RP'ing with them. If there are questions on this matter, they can be discussed on a case by case basis.
Any exceptions that you have questions on or if you want to know if something is okay or not should be directed to staff.
It's sort of unprofessional as RP can get gritty if this is done. People will switch-off RP characters and they can gain knowledge from one RP character and pass it onto the next character that is there own. This counts as meta-gaming, as it can lead to great spoils of RP and punishment because of rule-breaking.

It gets hectic, too much to keep track of. This is just a way to organize our RP better.
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So I can have my main character and one alternative? And that's ok?
You can play as many alternative characters as you have accounts for. Keeping an alternative on the same account is only okay if you play them for long spans of time, shelving the character not being played.