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My Unban Appeal.

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Loyal Servant of Altera
Yesterday, I did something I am not proud of. I was correctly temp banned for 24 hours. (Even though on the Ban List it says Permanent. Which I hope is not true, the message says come back for an unban in 24 hours.) I come to not only say sorry for my immature actions, but to also come to terms with my wrong doings in the crime. I can strongly assure everyone in Hollow World that this will absolutely never happen again. I love this server and all the people in it. I hope this appeal is accepted and I may be let back into the game. But respectfully the choice is up to you. I am sorry for my actions.
- Sincerely,


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
According to the listing you have still got about 2 hours before you can be unbanned, but id be willing to unban early if fitz or another king says so.


Loyal Servant of Altera
oh, OH! I am in America so that must be why the ban is longer than I would think. alright. cool, thank your Legion for you help.
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