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Loyal Servant of Altera
Name: Naranor
Nickname/Alias: Nar
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human/Spirit Blessed
Height: 6ft
Weight: 160 pnds
Hair: Red
Eyes: Red, yellow, orange, changing with his mood.
Skin: Appears as lava with a dark exterior and cracks that glow from within
Identifying Marks: Glowing eyes, black nails, lava like skin that glows from within, exhales smoke.
Strengths: Telepyrosis to a small degree, very fast, able to consume energy from victims (explained in back story, can be removed), single minded devotion to whatever occupies his attention, immune to fire and lava.
Weaknesses and fears: Insane, quick to change, severe weakness to and fear of water, prone to self-destructive habits, can only remain interested in something for a short amount of time, very unstable and unpredictable.
Religion and cults: None.
Profession: None

Back story:

Extract from the observations of Subject 11, by Dûr Amarth.

Year 1 Day 1
Acquired a new subject today, a 15 year old human, fairly unremarkable except for his skin being much hotter to the touch than most normal humans. Subject has been sedated with magic since extraction. In keeping with procedure, no witnesses were left at extraction site. Subject will remain sedated for a few days while arrangements are made about confinement.

Year 1 Day 5
Subject has awoken from sedation. He is screaming in fits of anger, hitting the walls, shouting to let him go. Combining this with the hot skin I conclude that the subject is spirit blessed, an immature fire spirit shares his body. How strong the spirit will become and to what degree it will affect the subject is currently unknown.

Year 1 Day 35

The subject’s eyes have darkened from brown to dark red. Subject is also flushed and has a slight discoloration on all of his nails. Subject is eating a considerably larger amount of food. I conclude that the subject is starting to mature and is at least a level two fire spirit. How much further the subject may develop is unknown.

Year 1 Day 206

The subject is now 16 and it has been decided that he is old enough to begin testing. Fitness and stamina tests to begin with. Subject is stronger and faster than an average human, with almost no exercise regime since arriving. I recommend that the subject is put into a harsh training regime to see how far he can be pushed.

Year 2 Day 30
Subject’s skin has become mottled red and black and is noticeably hotter. Subject has begun to exhale smoke. Tests show the smoke is completely carbon based, the same given off from a wood fire. Subject’s temper is now hard to control, as he cannot be restrained by his handlers anymore as his skin burns their hands. I conclude that the subject has developed to a level three fire spirit and water suppression must now be implemented.

Year 2 Day 88
Subject was tested with fire today. His handlers first of all took burning brands and ran them up and down his body. The subject didn’t react negatively in any way. In fact he seemed to enjoy it. They then made him lie down on burning coals. The same results were recorded. Finally they attempted to set the subject on fire. The subject seemed to absorb the fire, as though he consumed the energy from the flames.

Year 2 Day 310
Subject is in top physical condition due to the harsh training. His strength now far exceeds that of other humans and his speed and stamina are the same. However the subject seems to be losing touch with reality. He has taken to muttering extremely fast to himself and as far as we can tell he is speaking random words that have no connection or meaning. I conclude the insanity is now beginning to settle.

Year 3 Day 156
Subject 11 seems to have formed some connection to subject 5 in the adjacent cell. He is able to talk coherently and after prolonged exposure to subject 5 his skin glows for an hour afterwards. Subject 5 is a mature level two earth spirit blessed. I conclude there is a symbiotic relationship between these two. Fire requires a fuel source to “survive.” This is always some form of the element earth. To become stronger earth requires fire, for example iron ore requires heating and smelting to become iron. This relationship seems to fuel subject 11, but I cannot tell if it is strengthening him or not. Subject 5 seems unaffected.

Year 3 Day 345
Amazing subject 5 has developed to a level three earth blessed. This is supposed to be impossible as he was matured. There has been no change to subject 11 but we cannot be sure he is mature yet as he is only 18. More observation is required.

Year 4 Day 1
Today subject 11 displayed telepyrosis, or the ability to control fire with the mind. Specifically the subject drew flames from the torches in his cell, formed them into a fireball and hurled it at the door. Subject was then sedated. Analysis showed no trace of magical energy. Even as I look at the subject I see him changing, his skin now appears to be even darker red and black, his eyes burn and glow like embers and he smells of smoke. There is no doubt that the subject is a level four spirit blessed.

Year 4 Day 122
Subject 5 has been moved to a different cell and permanently sedated after he developed rocky protrusions from the joints on his stone skin, an indication of level four development. With regards to subject 11’s insanity, it seems to have gone. For the first time in a while I had a coherent conversation with him. He called himself Naranor and told me he wanted out. I laughed and told him he was far too dangerous to be let loose upon Altera. He just smiled grimly. Zimmerman hypothesised that the host and the fire spirit have made an alliance, as they have a common goal, to escape. He believes the fire spirit is controlling the insanity to a degree, the subject is no longer deranged but perhaps more dangerous because of it. I told Zimmerman to leave my research alone.

Year 4 Day 145
Subject 11 killed one of his handlers. He placed a hand on her arm and she burst into flames. Subject sedated temporarily. It is obvious that he has a lot more control over his mental state but now he is homicidal. This is a real shift in his insanity as although he has hurt handlers before, he was never fully in control. This conscious desire to kill worries my colleagues and I.

Year 4 Day 206
Subject 11 has escaped. Reports came through that the subject was attempting to melt through the wall of his cell by passing heat into the wall from his hands. As I was the only person strong enough to control the subject at this stage of his development I went to sedate him. On my way to the cell, Subject 5 broke out of his sedation and began to rampage in his cell. I had to turn aside to bring subject 5 under control and in retrospect I hypothesis that subject 11 used the symbiotic link between the two to awaken subject 5 somehow. By the time I arrived at subject 11's cell the wall was reduced to a pile of molten slag. With a smirk at me the subject walked out of the facility. This is a disaster and I fear for all of Altera now that this insane creature is loose upon the world.

Eric V

Legend of Altera
yep.....the first of the level 4 spirit blessed, I'm working on mine, sadly wind and fire won't get along very well xD


I love it but just one thing bugs me... Placing hands on people and they burst into flames? Placing hands on walls and they melt? This all sounds a bit OP.


Don't get me wrong I have no reason to believe that the admin have made a mistake by approving this but how can you fight off someone who pretty much melts people?

Eric V

Legend of Altera
Don't worry he has already gotten admin approval, he has good ideas for the character from what we have talked about xD

Eric V

Legend of Altera
I love it but just one thing bugs me... Placing hands on people and they burst into flames? Placing hands on walls and they melt? This all sounds a bit OP.
His strengths are muttled by his insanity, in his background he actively seeks to kill. In a normal situation, at his age, he would have trouble telling if a person was really there or not, he would have multiple personalities, hear and see things, and would actively seek out places where their were no people for his deep mistrust from A. being contained for so long and B. his insanity driving him to even deeper mistrust of others.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Basically this character was created for roleplay events as a villain. There are lot of questions surrounding the backstory and they'll be answered through these events (if and when i get round to it). As for being underpowered, you can't look at the strengths without looking at the weaknesses as well, water is one weakness, being mentally unstable and obsessed with burning things as fuel all make my character vulnerable which the admins clearly feel outweighs the telepyrosis as a strength. I based my character around the description of spirit blessedvif your interested


Actually you havnt, can you explain where it say you have the ability to have complete control over fire? And before you say that your character hasnt, melting a wall is pretty much full control.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I disagree, full control would be much larger use of fire, melting a wall is just bringing heat into the hands and transferring it to the wall, it's not anywhere near full control. As it's my character and I ran everything past the admins, including making changes that they suggested I put in, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I'm right. Fitz doesn't specify what minor telepyrosis involves so I gave a description and the admins agreed.


I mean no offence to the admin team when I say that I cant see how they think this is acceptable.

MINOR control is no MELTING walls. In what way is that minor. Minor is like, conjuring a flame, or manipulating a fire. But building up enough heat and focusing it on one area? That is not minor at all.