Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Neckwound Bandits (Roleplay Help needed!)


Noble of Altera
Greetings, fellow roleplayers!

Today, I am here to ask one of the town owners/leaders (Except for IceandFire) to assist me on this kind of important role play "event", if you can call it that. I would need this person to roleplay out a plot with my character to help him develop further. Plot details will all be shared later, however, what I can say now is that this plot would include an imaginary group of bandits residing within their town. The town leader would only find out they are bandits when I start telling him about them as I mention one of their names.

What I look for:
-A person or two who could play a bandit each.
-A person who could inform me of these bandits hiding in the place told via PM's.
-A person or two to help me slay these bandits!

Anyone like to help?
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Noble of Altera
Update: A town owner is no longer needed. What I only need now is a person or two to help me by playing a temp character for one of the bandits. (I have the other two already)


Noble of Altera
Huehuehue, if yea need help with bandits and plot lines and such I could help but @BrianAT16 and @Gregor could help a lot more
Thanks. The thing is, I already have the whole plot line figured out, what I only need is people to play out the bandits for this plotline. Bandits that Scar would kill. ^^


Noble of Altera
Two are already there and have promised to help, I only need of one more person to help. (Or two, it doesn't matter)


Events Staff
Very Sweet
I'll go see about getting a third account added for temp characters. Would like to assist~ I'll get back to you if I'm successful. :)


Events Staff
Very Sweet
In the process of whitelisting now - Feel free to message me detials/desired skin? ^^


Noble of Altera
What I look for:
-A person or two who could play a bandit each.
-A person who could inform me of these bandits hiding in the place told via PM's.
-A person or two to help me slay these bandits!


Lord of Altera
I'd be more than happy to help out here!
I should be available most of the time, but I am GMT +10 . . . If you can fit me in at a reasonable time, I would love to help make this event come to life!
I would be happy to play whatever you need!


Just a thought, but I rather think the bandits should have a fair shot at winning. It seems kinda odd to me to create bandits only to slay them.