Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Need a kid?


sparkles emoji
Are you in need of a child slave, an apprentice, or an adopted kid? Well, I volunteer. My character's name is Joseph. He's an exile from Port Silver since the age of 5, and he's currently 3 8 years old.
Just post below if you would like to do something with my new character.

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Legend of Altera
Are you in need of a child slave, an apprentice, or an adopted kid? Well, I volunteer. My character's name is Joseph. He's an exile from Port Silver since the age of 5, and he's currently 3 years old.
Just post below if you would like to do something with my new character.



Lord of Altera
Are you in need of a child slave, an apprentice, or an adopted kid? Well, I volunteer. My character's name is Joseph. He's an exile from Port Silver since the age of 5, and he's currently 3 years old.
Just post below if you would like to do something with my new character.

I would like to adopt, possibly raise to become badass martial artist


Magus of Nothing
Uhm. If you want to be a bandit of sorts for me and @Scar bandit group, a child would be great to train up to gather info and steal things.

In fact, forum message me or sat if you're interested


Noble of Altera
Yeah, the Sinister Grace would most likely be willing to take care of an orphan child and train him to be a bandit. ^^ It would be fun to see it played out.


Dark Council Elite
I'd be more than happy to have somebody I know is a good RPer join up with the Tambry Chevaliers, even if it'd be just a kid. I could adopt it as Sisarno and raise it properly, perhaps for once actually getting one of my kids to their teenage years without them resenting me. If you're interested let me know.


Lord of Altera
I'd be more than happy to have somebody I know is a good RPer join up with the Tambry Chevaliers, even if it'd be just a kid. I could adopt it as Sisarno and raise it properly, perhaps for once actually getting one of my kids to their teenage years without them resenting me. If you're interested let me know.


Legend of Altera
I'd be more than happy to have somebody I know is a good RPer join up with the Tambry Chevaliers, even if it'd be just a kid. I could adopt it as Sisarno and raise it properly, perhaps for once actually getting one of my kids to their teenage years without them resenting me. If you're interested let me know.
The fact you're saying it... Instead of he... Deems you unworthy! Gib meh duh child!