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New Map Reveal


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Fixing is in process, yeah. I've spoken to Naelwyn earlier today, and we've got some people working on what he suggested.~ Archbishop gave a sum up post somewhere.

As for the ocean, no it won't be extended. The map is absolutely gigantic as it is (Thanks Jak - Those comparisons are beautiful) and no one really uses the vast ocean space we have on our current one. I think people have responded to that already with some solid points, so I won't babble and repeat them.

Deleted member 12912

I genuinely wish you all the best with map development. Going over the map with world-edit and voxel sniper is possibly the most painful process.


Dead Man Walking
If we do ocean events on ships folks tend to be ported by the DM to either the dungeon world or sorrows already. The only other place they really need to be is at dock.
I'm thinking of it this way: If I placed a region in a southern facing beach on the southeast side of the continent, even though I know that the ocean extends outward, looking at the map . . I'd feel cramped. That's all, though.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
I'm thinking of it this way: If I placed a region in a southern facing beach on the southeast side of the continent, even though I know that the ocean extends outward, looking at the map . . I'd feel cramped. That's all, though.
The map is 30k by 20k. I can almost ensure you that even with my super render powers I wouldn't see the world border

Okay I thought you said southwest for some reason.... I see your point... Ehehehehe


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
I'm thinking of it this way: If I placed a region in a southern facing beach on the southeast side of the continent, even though I know that the ocean extends outward, looking at the map . . I'd feel cramped. That's all, though.
This is what I meant. It could use a wider ocean border there, just for the looks. To counter the resulting empty oceans some islands could be made in the wider spots.

Surely the map is big and beautiful enough as it is and it already takes up a lot of valuable staff time.
I genuinely wish you all the best with map development. Going over the map with world-edit and voxel sniper is possibly the most painful process.
It's actually very soothing. My terraforming days were my most relaxed staff time ever.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Wait, why is staff having to do edits to the map? Didn't the server raise a thousand plus dollars to have a map professionally made? Why isn't the professional changing the things you don't like? I mean, I'd get it if the list of things to do were add cities, structures, and the like, but why pay so much money for a map that isn't done right?


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Because the map was premade c,:
and you can't buy something evereything fully 100% loves so they make changes that the community wants


Events Staff
Very Sweet
We got tweaks made and then wanted more tweaks when it was already sorted, aheh. It's no real problem. No map is made exactly as we desire, less we change things as we go along.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
It's like buying a new house or a new car.
When you visit te place it all looks pretty and shiny and you get all enthusiastic about it. Only once you move in and start to look at it more you will notice the ceiling is a bit sagged, the floor is more worn out than you thought and the walls weren't exactly the brightest white you thought it was.
You will only start noticing the small scratches in your car's paint once you start to wash and polish it for the first time.
Unless there are really big flaws, you can't ask your money back or demand them to fix those issues.
I'm afraid that's just how it is. It's a small hickup, but it's not a really big deal imho.


Non sum qualis eram
To be perfectly fair and honest though, I would have made them fix the rivers/watersheds before accepting the map. Correctness of rivers and major water features is mapmaking 101.


Retired Staff
To be honest, we had a time limit with buying the map. Basically, we had to come up with the tweaks we wanted and pay by a certain date otherwise the map maker was going to open up the map to others for sale; when we bought it, we were the only ones that had seen it/had access but we didn't have an awful lot of time before that was going to change.

He did actually fix a number of problems/issues as a condition of sale but we had to list those issues prior to payment, otherwise, yeah, trying to go back to him 'hey can you fix this... can you change this...' going on for months- wasn't something he'd agree to. Also; I'm not a geography expert. I don't know how or why rivers flow a particular way or why mountains have specific features, so that's not something I could have spoken to the map maker about. For me, it's like 'oooh, nice map' with some cool fantasy aspects.

If we've got some stuff to fix ourselves... no biggie, easily enough done and we've already started working on fixing stuff a while back :)


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I had a large post here where I rambled for about five paragraphs before I deleted it, about my distaste for throwing a thousand dollars as a sort of impulse-buy at a pre-made map with no guarantees of satisfaction after the fact, but it's late and I realize nothing can be done about it now.


Retired Staff
It wasn't an impulse buy. We'd been looking into new maps for quite a while and done the research. Turns out; the cheap ones are absolutely terrible. Some of the moderately expensive ones are only terrible, and not absolutely terrible. Decent maps cost money. We found this map, and it is a great map, and we went with it. I am satisfied with the map, and I know the majority will be. Just because we're making some minor tweaks doesn't instantly equate to dissatisfaction.

If we waited for the perfect map to come along, we'd still be waiting. If we tried to make a map ourselves, not only would you still be waiting, but it would be terrible to what we're getting in comparison.

Guys; you haven't even seen the map yet. I'm not talking about a dynamap snap; I'm talking about actually getting in and exploring the map and seeing how amazing it is. The opportunity is coming soon, so until then, just chill out and relax, and trust me that this map is something to be excited about and not get worked up or salty about.


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
I had a large post here where I rambled for about five paragraphs before I deleted it, about my distaste for throwing a thousand dollars as a sort of impulse-buy at a pre-made map with no guarantees of satisfaction after the fact, but it's late and I realize nothing can be done about it now.
Honestly from what we've seen of this new one, flaws included, it's still one hundredfold the current's quality. I know that doesn't absolutely justify anything, but at the very least it should shine light on how dire the need for it is.

At the end of the day, even if it's the most beauteous map in the galaxy, there's gonna be the odd crap build, too. Both can be tweaked afterward by a player or staff. I'm not saying that's great or convenient, but I'm pretty sure regions and other locations have always been like that.

I literally just woke up so this may make contextually no sense.


Lord of Altera
I have only seen the screenshots and I already think it is absolutely stunning. I mean, it made me consider leaving Heaven's Reach behind.

quite frankly it truly is a master piece, screenshots left me in a state of thoughtfulness


Lord of Altera
I don't mind the changes being made at all, thoguh I also didn't see any problems with the rivers and still don't really see why they can't happen, but meh. I still can't wait for it to come out and for Gregor to get lost trying to explore the place while Roy drools over all the mountains.