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New Race: Qen (chen)

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Aubree Wolf

Canine-like beings with fur all over their body. They speak a language called, "Lobolimba" or for short, "LL". LL is a series of barks, yelps, howls, and other various canine vocals. It is extremely hard to learn for other races. Qen are very spiritual, and believe in Luna, the moon Goddess, deeply. They can have a wolf personality or a human-like personality, according to how they were raised.

Ketun- Fox-like canines
Hond- Dog-like canines / Wolf-like canines
Dubuk- Hyena-like canines

Ketun are sly, and slim. They are quite fast and best as Scouts, being sneaky and fast. They can travel long distances and like to mine and explore normally.

Hond are loyal, and fierce, as well as puppy-like. They love to play, but when called to do work, they listen well. They are best as guards or shepherds. They can be good warriors.

Dubuk are violent, fierce, and always try to get their way. They are great warriors, scavengers, and they can be backstabbers. Never trust a Dubuk, they are a main target as criminals. But, some Dubuk can be loving, and friendly. But they ALWAYS have a fierce side to them.
(Anything can be updated, moved or changed. I just thought this is a cool idea. I can get a lot of my family on here if you accept it. I would love to be one of these splendid creatures. Just an idea. Oh and by the way, they are NOT furries!)


Lord of Altera
I take full blame for this.

also, come on guys, let her down nicely...

Edit: on the bright side, if by some miracle, this race does get approved, I could revive my legacy character, the childlike cursed werewolf! XD hail lycanria


Lord of Altera
Alright, I understand here the administrators are coming from when things like this arise. I would agree that some of the lore is questionable, and not well written. But that doesn't excuse the condescending behavior from the administrators. This is a relatively new player who thought that she would add a little bit of her own creativity to the server and you're bashing her for it without giving any sense of constructive criticism. It's just plain wrong, and quite rude. Despite the supposed lack of professionalism and concept of the idea doesn't mean it has to be shot down so harshly.

0/10 would not approve
Was a bit uncalled for, I realize it's not something that someone would approve, but it's just rude to shoot an idea down like this.

The Poll was a bit innapropriate, I edited it.

Michcat, I respect you to absolutely no end however the editing of the poll was uncalled for as well. You could have just removed it and stated that you shouldn't post a poll on something that has un-lore friendly implications. Putting the pole like that is just leaving it open for the whole in school setting of "HEY! raise your hand if you agree with me that it's okay to disagree with this guy!" Which is bullying. Not to mention all of the disagrees and agrees on posts that are for and against this topic respectively. I can't but help but think that the person who wrote this character race now feels attacked and offended by what happened. You may not agree with it but that's no reason to show disrespect to a FELLOW ROLE PLAYER.


Lord of Altera
I wouldn't call this harsh. At all.
Lore is handled like this, for a reason, we don't exactly want countless and countless application for anthropomorphic animals, which is the definition of a furry character.

Saying they 'aren't furries' doesn't exactly help the case, either, it's like telling the administers "I want a furries, but I don't want you to know, so I just put that there :heart:", because that is exactly how it feels like to me, and I'm /sure/ it does to others.

We already have the Caparii, and the Nakam, that's enough, and it's on edge, though I appreciate the audacity of trying to get something like this through, defending this person from real criticism will not help either, at all.

And no, it's not that I disagree or dislike the furry fandom, in fact, I quite like it myself.
But I find it innappropriate for this fantasy server enviroment, as I've left other servers for this very reason.

If there comes a day where these things are walking around? I won't be here, end of.


Aubree Wolf

So, you slam me for making a suggestion???! Thanks for ruining my day.
Thank you, all who stood up for me. But, I now have little respect for the moderators on HW. And I hope you understand, that I am new, and I just wanted to add a little salt to my bite. But, looks like I just made my day worse. Thanks for thinking super hard about my suggestion!!! :mad:
Now, I feel much more like home here... I thought this was a good server.


Lord of Altera
Someone could have just responded to this thread saying something like "Sorry, we don't plan on adding any new races to Hollowworld in the near future" and it would have ended there, but many of you decided to be childish and silly and condescending and mean about this in your responses. Frankly I'm dissapointed in those who posted in this thread adding nothing to the discussion but sheer negativity, you know who you are; you're bad and you should feel bad.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Alright, I understand here the administrators are coming from when things like this arise. I would agree that some of the lore is questionable, and not well written. But that doesn't excuse the condescending behavior from the administrators. This is a relatively new player who thought that she would add a little bit of her own creativity to the server and you're bashing her for it without giving any sense of constructive criticism. It's just plain wrong, and quite rude. Despite the supposed lack of professionalism and concept of the idea doesn't mean it has to be shot down so harshly.

Was a bit uncalled for, I realize it's not something that someone would approve, but it's just rude to shoot an idea down like this.

Michcat, I respect you to absolutely no end however the editing of the poll was uncalled for as well. You could have just removed it and stated that you shouldn't post a poll on something that has un-lore friendly implications. Putting the pole like that is just leaving it open for the whole in school setting of "HEY! raise your hand if you agree with me that it's okay to disagree with this guy!" Which is bullying. Not to mention all of the disagrees and agrees on posts that are for and against this topic respectively. I can't but help but think that the person who wrote this character race now feels attacked and offended by what happened. You may not agree with it but that's no reason to show disrespect to a FELLOW ROLE PLAYER.
The only Staff Member who has replied to this thread is me. All the other comments and critique you see is from the community, not the staff. Please do not confuse the two D:

I removed the Poll because it is not our policy to have polls on issues such as this, where ultimately it would be their immersion that makes or breaks the deal.

So, you slam me for making a suggestion???! Thanks for ruining my day.
Thank you, all who stood up for me. But, I now have little respect for the moderators on HW. And I hope you understand, that I am new, and I just wanted to add a little salt to my bite. But, looks like I just made my day worse. Thanks for thinking super hard about my suggestion!!! :mad:
Now, I feel much more like home here... I thought this was a good server.
Once again, the only admin/moderator/staff member who has replied to this thread is me. And I simply removed the poll due to technical reasons, nothing against you or your suggestion. It would be the Community that has made those impolite comments.

Someone could have just responded to this thread saying something like "Sorry, we don't plan on adding any new races to Hollowworld in the near future" and it would have ended there, but many of you decided to be childish and silly and condescending and mean about this in your responses. Frankly I'm dissapointed in those who posted in this thread adding nothing to the discussion but sheer negativity, you know who you are; you're bad and you should feel bad.
Once more, no staff member has replied here except me. I have tagged both Loremasters for HollowWorld and I have locked the thread until they get a chance to reply to prevent any more confusion.

Edit: @Dr.Patriot @Aubree Wolf I think I need to reiterate that NO staff member or loremaster has said nay or yey to this yet. You can identify Staff Members by the banner under their name, and please do not confuse the general community with our Staff Team when it comes to decisions on server-wide topics, as results may vary.
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Non sum qualis eram
I'm sorry, but this does not meet the required background material for a racial submission.

To give you an idea on the level of work that's expected, the submissions that have been most favored tend to have over a minimum of 10,000 words. The Nakam lore comprises more than 30,000.
What's available here isn't sufficient for inclusion. As it it just appears to summarize down to "Dog people!" and that isn't really good enough - it's relying mostly on a gimmick that'd quickly get old for everyone involved. Even in the Nakam and the Caparii there is a distinct cultural identity to them that makes them more than a simple, fantasy setting X-Person.



Lord of Altera
All im gona say is cats and dogs dont mix well, (unless they were raised/learned to live together) and thats allll im gona say other then "who let the dogs out! " :)


Lord of Altera
We already have the Caparii, and the Nakam, that's enough, and it's on edge, though I appreciate the audacity of trying to get something like this through, defending this person from real criticism will not help either, at all.

If there comes a day where these things are walking around? I won't be here, end of.

First point I'd like to make, thing about Nakam is they are no longer playable to some (In other words you may want to be a nakat but, since they are going extinct good luck on trying to get that character.)
Second point, How exactly have Caparii and Nakat been "On edge"? From what I see people treat Caparii like a normal human except for some racism here and there. They seem to blend in well, as do Nakat. By on edge do you mean too animalistic?
Also the last thing you said "If there comes a day where these things are walking around? I won't be here, end of it." I basically took it as "If we get anymore furry here, Im leaving. *hand slam on table and walks away*" Thats sort of rude.

Now as for the race itself, I like the idea. A race like Nakat but are more dog-ish, if there was more lore and writing done, this could be rped out pretty good. I'd say work on your lore and subrace characteristics more and just maybe the staff might think about this race. Don't feel scared to ask about for help either . I'm sorry your first impression of the server wasn't a good one and maybe you can continue to rp with us. :heart:


Lord of Altera
I'm sorry but this does look like a Poor made up excuse to have a Furry race added into Altera, it kind of defeats the point of the Nakam and the Server itself is low fantasy and having talking foxes along with Talking cats and Goat people just makes it seem a bit... "wot."


Lord of Altera
I fail to see how any of my points are rude, since they were purely opinions.
" I don't want to be here when furries are here " Is -not- rude, it's realistic, and there's a difference between them, I'm sure of maybe ten or more active players who would instantly nope away at the acceptance of one of these races.

So please, stop the unnecessary hate, I'd rather not be spammed by dislikes at 6AM.


Lord of Altera
This whole "To furry or not to furry" thing is really getting ridiculous. Can someone just lock this post up and set it aside?


Lord of Altera
Simply saying "no." without explaining why is rude. At least the others who disagreed with the idea gave reasons. While I agree that a canine race is completely unnecessary, I don't agree with outright telling people its stupid without giving at least some explanation behind it. Also, a lot of what you're saying is contradictory; claiming you don't mind furries but then crying that it would be a terrible idea on a fantasy server...

That said, any new race should really have an air of originality behind it. Making a race simply because they are dogs, cats, goats, fish or whatever simply for the sake of being an animal is ridiculous. At least give them some kind of lore beyond that.
I don't mind furries, at all outside the server, but I don't want them to interrupt serious Role-Play servers for me, since they are often played completely incorrectly.


Lord of Altera
Hence why one of the requirements for lore on Hollowworld is that it is well-written and informative. So that it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to use incorrectly. Now drop the topic.
You yourself don't have to be rude either.

Aubree, we appreciate the work, but I for one am not sure about about a race of canines. Perhaps you should add more things to it! More original ideas?Al
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