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New Race: Qen (chen)

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Lord of House Hawklight
The manner in which you provide feedback should have nothing to do with the validity of the suggestion, yes you can say why it should not be approved, but the tone of voice you use should not change simple because you find it childish or unnecessary. It's not particularly hard to be nice. Naelwyn's reply was perfect, and the only way the suggestion should have been answered.


Lord of Altera
Aubree, before submitting an application or suggestion for a new race please take a look at the threads linked below. Before your suggestion can be properly considered by the loreteam you would have to write around the same amount of lore about topics like lifestyle, culture and history. Please also take into consideration that you would have to explain their sudden appearance in our world.


Lord of Altera
I don't mind furries, at all outside the server, but I don't want them to interrupt serious Role-Play servers for me, since they are often played completely incorrectly.
What if only people who knew what they were doing could play as them? Much like what is being done with the Nakat?


Lord of Altera
Greyling might be a good example, a good amount of lore was put into them, but they slowly died out, and I believe they are now extinct?

Greylings are a race of goblins/kobolds, very basically


Dead Man Walking
Keep at it, little lady! If this idea gets fully flushed out and meshes well with the rest of the lore you stand a much greater chance of getting it accepted!


Lord of Altera
Can we all please calm down and stop talking in this thread. I mean come on it's getting monotonous and we're all just bashing each other now. We get it not a lot of people like this idea, and some people say it's not flushed out enough. Which is true, It needs a lot more words and lore put behind it, But she's a relatively new player, at least cut her some slack. Not everyone's going to remember everything about the servers extensive (and constantly changing) lore. Especially a new person.


King ForumStalker
Requesting that the thread be locked. First of all the stop people bashing the original idea, and second to stop people bashing each other. Maybe if the poster wishes the update to idea it could be reopened in future?


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
(( @angryboy yo, you're spreading misinformation. The Nakam have ALWAYS required an application (From the very very beginning) so "only folks who knew what they were doing and wouldn't meow" would be running about. The selling point of the Nakam is the culture, not the tails :p ))
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