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Nwalme Fuvur


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"A chaotic neutral character will keep his word if it serves his interests. He may attack an unarmed foe if he feels it necessary. He will not kill, but may harm an innocent. He may use torture to extract information, but never for pleasure. He may kill for pleasure, but is not likely to do so. A chaotic neutral character may use poison. He may help those in need and he prefers to work alone, as he values his freedom. He does not respond well to higher authority, is distrustful of organizations, and will disregard the law in pursuing his self-interest. He may betray a family member, comrade, or friend, but only in the most dire of situations. Chaotic neutral characters do not respect the concepts of self-discipline and honor, because they believe such concepts limit freedom to advance their self-interest."

Excepting a few exceptions, this describes Nwalme surprisingly well.


Lord of Altera
"A chaotic neutral character will keep his word if it serves his interests. He may attack an unarmed foe if he feels it necessary. He will not kill, but may harm an innocent. He may use torture to extract information, but never for pleasure. He may kill for pleasure, but is not likely to do so. A chaotic neutral character may use poison. He may help those in need and he prefers to work alone, as he values his freedom. He does not respond well to higher authority, is distrustful of organizations, and will disregard the law in pursuing his self-interest. He may betray a family member, comrade, or friend, but only in the most dire of situations. Chaotic neutral characters do not respect the concepts of self-discipline and honor, because they believe such concepts limit freedom to advance their self-interest."

Excepting a few exceptions, this describes Nwalme surprisingly well.
So... pretty much it means that you never have any idea what they're going to do -ever- except that they'll never do anything surprisingly good or evil?

In other words:
"Me? I'm unpredictable. And an unpredictable man you can always trust to be unpredictable. Predictably, it's the predictable ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid."
-Paraphrased from Captain Jack Sparrow


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
People told me to write another journal entry so I did. Slight update to the profile, as well.


I am finally grown.

I suppose I didn't grow that last inch, after all.... Surprising, honestly, how quickly we can change from children to adults. I've lost count of how many people I've killed, whereas four years ago I failed to kill someone even when I surprised him.

I saw someone today. It was an Elf, apparently he had also just reached adulthood. His mother and father were both celebrating with him, in their little home near Tauredal. Good for him.

To think, four years ago, I thought I would never get this far. I have a larger income than some of the nobility, I can read, I can fight.... I have one arm, my family is dead, (At this point, his writing becomes much more rapid, as if rushed or experiencing an emotion crescendo when writing, there is also a lack of his usual, careful and tidy hand-writing and instead there is more so a careless air to it.) my mother died giving birth to me, people who were my friends hate me, I have no compassion for anyone I've killed the innocent I've killed the poor I've killed for fun I've killed out of boredom I've tortured out of curiosity (This is more so rather large and blocky instead of all capitals: ) I WAS BORN AND SHE DIED

(The chapter abruptly ends.)


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... Some may be interested to know that Nwalme burned his own journal recently.

Updates, because it's three AM and I needed something creative/boring to do to become tired. :p


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... Actually if you really pissed him off, I'll leave it as a surprise, in regards to what he would do. But I promise you, it would be very, very 'fun'~


Lord of Altera
just wondering, how do you get those messages/videos (Like how you have the Nwalme Fuvur the Silvertooth) at the bottom of every post/comment you do? Anyway, yeah.. I left at the last minute before he attacked me :p


Lord of Altera
Woah that was a quick reply.. But how do I put it there? :confused: Curse my stupidness..
(Also random question, but when will the server be updated to 1.5.2!? I want to come on and RP but the server isn't updated yet:()


Lord of Altera
Don't spam this forum, :p and Blarg, I have no doubt in your character's capabilities when he is pissed off. As in, really pissed off. xD