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Inactive Nylarii Fuvur


Events Staff
Very Sweet


Name: Nylarii Fuvur​
Other Names: 'Larii, Nyl, Lovey.​
Titles: She is known by 'Lady' sometimes.​
Age: Appearing no older than thirty, she is at her first century. [ 100 ]​
Race: Elven, Fuvurian.​
Gender: Female​
Sexuality: Nwalme.​
Marital Status: Married.​
Homeland: Born and raised near Thiil, of the old lands.​


Appearance: Nylarii has a somewhat sharp face, with high cheekbones and a straight nose - Though it does have a slight bump now from multiple breakages. There are several scars on her face now, but they're small and fairly faded. Her left brow, left temple, nose and lip hold these marks.​
Her neck is marred with a large, particularly nasty scar from near the front and around the right side - And though she makes no effort to hide it, she's sensitive there.​
Height: Around 5'10.​
Weight: Around the 140-150lb range.​
Eyes: A light golden brown in colour and with dark lashes. Occasionally her eyes appear dark upon the lid with a type of oil based eye make-up.​
Skin: She is lightly tanned, but mottled with scarring.​
Hair: Long, pale blonde hair reaches the bottom of her back. Mostly straight but with a slight waviness to it, she tends to pin it back from her face.​
Distinguishing Features: She has a variety of scars and tattoos, the most notable one a deep scar on her neck.​
Build of Body: Somewhat on the tall side, Nylarii is lean and toned with light muscle from a life rooted in sailing. She holds a feminine form, but one of a balanced build.​
ও || Scarring
-Left shoulder stab wound scar, quite jagged, and a light scar across the right of her collarbone.​
- A large, jagged scar across the right of her neck, from the front and around the side.​
- A deep scar along her left palm, from the base of her middle finger to just above the wrist.​
- A scar over her left brow, bridge of her nose, and to the left of her lower lip.​
- Scars upon the left forearm, distorting the tattoo there slightly. From a caiman - Ragged bitemarks.​
- Two close scars on lower left shoulder from dirk stabbing.​
- Scar from a stab to the ribs, left side/front.​
- Scar from a crossbow bolt to the right side above the hip.​
- Arrow scars on the left shoulder and left upper arm.​
- A fairly long slash on her front, from her middle to the right side.​
- A glancing stab scar over her ribs, right side.​
ও || Tattoos
- A tattoo for Jaxon over her ribs on the left side. [x]​
- An Undertow tattoo, between the shoulder blades. [x]
- A large snake curling up her right thigh and resting over her hip.​
- Tattoo on right wrist of a strange blue dice.​
- Tattoo of a snake curving over left shoulder blade and collarbone.​
- An overly complex fractal tattoo using black and blue colours on the inside of her left forearm.​
- Double Ouroboros tattoo identical to Nwalme's, on her left wrist. Dark blue ink.​


Likes: She enjoys the sea, tropical climates, pear cider, Nwalme's cooking, and the company of her husband.​
Dislikes: Many of the Gods, Tidebornes, Anhalders, to name a few.​
Strengths: She has a lot of life experience, bringing with it strengths in various places.​
Weaknesses: She is prone to bouts of depression and troubling thoughts with prolonged periods of demotivation.​
Fears: Losing Nwalme is her ultimate fear.​
Values: New experiences, interesting things, and generally anything that gives purpose.​
Education: She does not have an exceptional level of intellect, but she does have a long history of life experience. So in that aspect, she is intelligent with knowledge in more practical and hands on areas when her academical side lacks significantly.​
ও || Common - Fluent in speech, as well as reading and writing.​
ও || Elven - Fluent in speech, as well as reading and writing.​
ও || Fae - Not entirely fluent, but understands it well, mostly in speech.​
Religious Inclination: She has held resentment for the Gods for some time, but is showing some interest in Sallana.​


Illnesses: None.​
Allergies: None.​
Sleeping Habits: She sleeps well, sometimes too much.​
Energy Levels: Moderate.​
Eating Habits: She eats when Nwalme cooks.​
Exercise Habits: She is an avid swimmer, and walks often.​
Memory: Moderate.​
Unhealthy Habits: Alcohol can become too much of a comfort, sometimes.​


Sailing; 9/10​
ও || Knows her way around a ship, how to sail efficiently, and her navigational skills are always improving. Can Captain a ship, manage one. She's very experienced.​
Medical Knowledge; 7/10​
ও || Knows how to recognise fever, stitch light to medium wounds, set bones, and general care. Very observant to anatomy. Knows from direct observation the insides of a human body, and applies that knowledge to most body structures with their similarities. Knows how to midwife, and has her fair share of bringing new mothers babies into the world. She is not however a doctor and there are many things she does not know.​
Combat; 7/10​
ও || She is experienced in hand to hand combat, and knows how to handle a bow though is better with a crossbow. She also knows how to use daggers and swords, but has little need to use them in recent memory.​
Stitching; 7/10​
ও || Repairing clothes in a simple fashion comes easily, taught by her Mother. Repairing clothes for her children comes naturally. A skill more for practical purposes than for detailed embroidery, she can also craft cloaks and the like, and work with leather and hides.​

Architecture; 8/10​
ও || She has had a hand in building up not just Riseport of the old lands, but Veilmere, then Sanardu. She is good at designing structures and ensuring their integrity.​
Botany; 6/10​
ও || She enjoys gardening and knows her way around most plants, including the poisonous ones.​
Skinning/Tanning; 6/10​
ও || She has experience in skinning and tanning hides, but it has been some time since it was last needed.​


ও || A golden chain with a fancy coin, given to Nwalme by Jax. Tucks it under her blouse if it's not visible. [x]
ও || A ring on her right hand, engagement ring moved to her other hand. [x]
ও || An earring - A snake, at that - Curls around her left ear. Made of painted iron wood. Sometimes worn. [x]
ও || A ring on her left ring finger, never removed. Crafted by the Dwarven King Erik. [x]
ও || A ship, 'The Eternity', from Aewin and Sophie for her wedding.​


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Events Staff
Very Sweet
Event Log:

- Has ran off on occasion as a youngster
- Has stolen small or useless things on occasion
- Really enjoys freebies

- Leaves home, stumbles into Gelyk who gives her a tour of Port Silver
- Met Robert, who invites her to live on his farmstead and provide housing for working feilds
- Ran away from him after he kissed her
- Meets Drachen, is eventually invited to join a crew
- Meets a zany pirate captain who likes picnics
- Stays with them for a while at their boat which is stranded at port silver
- Leaves for a while, then meets the crew again at Heavens Reach mid-heist
- Tries to save Aryus from some man, success, gets them both thrown in the sea
- Escape on large ship they stole, is given part of the money, is now rich

- Buys herself a fancy red coat, custom made, first thing shes ever bought worth so much to her
- Is becoming hopelessly needy with alcohol
- Knows basic fencing movement, more footwork/balance based
- Becomes Drachen's partner. Kinda.
-Trying to learn how to punch with an Earthspawn
- Recently went missing for a week or so, thanks Darko
- Thiil is current residence
- Oh /god/ that guy's coming for her with a Warhammer (daxpls)- Success in runnin'
- And again. Crossbow hurts. Warhammer more.
- Ouch warhammer breaks bones pretty bad, Jishrim saves then unsaves- Silas fixes that, and fixes bones
- Thiil confrontation. Darko duels Aewin in Sorrowtown. Darko ded.
-Aewin proposes to Sophie!
-omg drachen omg elaine
- constant exercise, exploration. Distractions are good.
- Female earthspawn hits on Nylarii. Sophie swoops in there. Dayum.
- Somewhat forgiven Drachen.
- Is hungry a lot.
- Athryl's wedding to Aracena in Thiil.
- ooh witnessed magiks, eventually crew expeditition to Vigil's Rest
- ...Pregnancy.
- Dinner with Helix, Aewin, and Sophie. D'aw. Steak and Helix assuming Aewin and Nylarii were a thing.
- Dax resorts to mental torment instead. Cry.
- Trying to be more 'calm', enjoys speaking with Arandir.
- Aracena sets Jishrim onto her, is tormented, silas saves the day by explaining they are shadow copies.
- Despite such, returns to see if she and children were safe days later. Finds Vlad. Odd Vlad seduction, Sophie finds them as she elbows him - Eventually ends in Soph and Vlad tumblin' off the cliffedge. Vlad dies.
- Dislikes fire after being told to burn Vlad's body, though made sure to get some of his posessions back to his loved one. Does not tell crew.
- Told Gelyk, Scardrac, and Arandir knows from his own observation of her pregnancy.
- God-child. Poor thing.
- Began a journal. Keeps track of certain things within.
- Tambry, talk of Tidebornes. Warned to stay out of the sewers.
- Ball! Much fun.
- Vlad is alive, hmm.
- Journal started.
- Vermella invokes premature labour, Jaxon is born in Lydel. Scardrac is the one to assist.
- Takes time out to recover in Lydel, before moving to meet Aracena and her own two newborns. Cael and Ahab.
- Flitted about the Crossroads before getting Jaxon to stay in Vigil's unless Drachen takes him elsewhere.
- Is offered protection at Oren by Gelyk, noted.
- Has started a second journal.
- Becoming oddly uncomfortable with being in the same place too long, visits Tambry to ask about Dax.
- Has made finding Dax more of an obsession, her fear of losing Jaxon to him overwhelming.
- Balatro has told her of Dax's 'constant' presence in Tambry.
- Knows of Luna's death from Ashna.
- Started a type of anatomy journal.
- 'Lessons' in Thiil. Asked Athryl on anatomy studies.
- Illithior makes himself known, not good impression with Harlow. Later gives Nylarii a bone throwing knife as apology.
- Considers Harlow her best niece! (Only niece?)
- Admitted piracy to Illthilior accidentally. Resulted in a dagger fight, both received and handed out a shoulder stab.
- Gained a ship as an apology for said stab.
- Kills Illthilior in an instinctive move after he gets a dagger to her, within Neutral grounds.
- Witnesses his revival by Shalherana, she mentions Aracena to the Goddess in a moment of thought.
- Manages to get Aracena to the Cathedral, offers to take the Mark from her if she does not go to Shalherana willingly.
- Aewin punches her for trying, or to snap her into some sense, Shalherana leaves and Kopii tells Nylarii she's a fool for what she's done.
- Resorts to isolation to think on her recent bout of ill choices.
- Fights with Illthilior again, throws a bottle at his chest.
- Finds Sophie has a 'Mark', Naelwyn blames Nylarii.
- Dax showdown - Nylarii is cut and severely wounded via the neck.
- Healing in Vigil's for weeks. Cloud is her caretaker.
- Illthilior dies at Joshua's hands. She takes the blame to prevent Joshua coming to harm.
- Confronted by Rurik the dwarf, and Illthilior's 'son'. Keeps up her lying.
- Sophie gives her an envelope, asks her to give it to Nwalme. Nwalme tells her Sophie intends to end her life.
- Days of frantic searching and worrying, only to find Sophie and Aewin safe and well at Vera Vigi.
- Punches Aewin, various other emotional chaos follows with more violence. Poor Mathias.
- Suggests to Scardrac taking Jaxon to him for them to bond, for Jaxon to be distracted from potential Drachen/Nylarii drama.
- Opts to check out Hellridge before she takes Jaxon there, to be sure. Scardrac tells her of his dislike for the crew. That they'll be hunted. Offers her a chance to run when that day comes, but Jaxon to be safe.
- Takes to drinking heavily, unsure of how to tell Aewin, or what to do. Worries for Jaxon's future in any scenario.
- Confesses to Arandir about Illthilior's death, after Rurik breaks her nose. Eventually, the Dwarf also finds out the truth. She never lets on the idea it was Joshua.
- Arandir speaks with her, makes her think on what she wants her son to be. What her current lifestyle will gain him. Suggests a meeting with Aewin and Scardrac for Jaxon's sake. On neutral grounds.
- Heads to tell Aewin what she knows, what Scardrac told her. Feels distant, and terribly sorry for her recent mass of bad choices. Informs him about the meeting, he agrees to listen. She sets off for Hellridge.
- Scardrac does not take well to her decision. Telling Aewin, or telling Scardrac she did so, ensured her fate. The gate is closed behind her, and he kills her there.
- Cloud buries her body at sea.
- Returns from death. Struggles to comprehend what has occured.
- Gets very drunk and rambles to Cloud, after acting like a child.
- Offers to fist-fight Illthilior so any past events remain where they are, after being told of the threats he'd recieved.
- Secretly enjoys the pain she's in, as it seems to anchor her to reality. Feels more focused now.
- Got Jaxon new clothing, cut his hair. Tried making him look respectable.
- Visited the North with Peter Blackfire, stayed with Rex, Nwalme, Illthilior for a day or so.
- Got a tattoo from Nwalme.
- ...Dissected a corpse with Ferrous. For science.
- Danni returns.
- Drachen proposes.
- Danni attacks Sophie and Harlow, Sophie is almost killed, Danni is certainly killed.
- Sophie is in a coma, essentially, for some time.
- With serious assistance, awakens, though her mind is not as it was.
- Nwalme shows Nylarii what it was like as Sophie's mind faded away.
- Aewin summons Sallana.
- Sophie flees.
- Pregnancy #2
- Drachen suicides
- Weeks of fuzzy memory
- Nwalme teachings
- Fulgrim drama
- Buys a house in Havarda
- Gives birth to Evelyn
- Fulgrim suicides the same way Drachen did
- Has Nwalme and Amaya live in Havarda house
- Struggles, feeling disconnected with Evelyn
- Kidd leaves Havarda for the North more officially
- Jaxon is hurt badly
- Takes Jaxon to her parents.
- Shouting, kissing and swimming seems to occur often.
- Emotional rollercoaster.
- Takes Evelyn to Nwalme and Amaya in Riseport.
- Alcohol.
- Spirals into depression and out outbursts of anger.
- Tries to stab Illthilior.
- Runs off to Riseport.
- Conflicted Nwalme feelings.
- Assures self that children are fine where they are and cared for.
- Decides to leave with Aewin for a year at her need to focus and distract herself.
- Trains for months with Aewin, in the forests near Fort Sevren. Archery, skinning, cooking. Footwork. Cuts out alcohol.
- Snazzy new Undertow Tattoo.
- Resumes seeing Nwalme on occasion, and Evelyn. Feelings dont go away.
- Nwalme leaves Amaya, Nylarii is guilty. Evelyn is taken to grandparents.
- Nylarii gets into a fight with Dar'ket. Skull cracks, Elrohir takes her back to Nwalme.
- Month of healing in Riseport, Illthilior gets attacked once he refuses to leave Nwalmes house.
- Rex arrives, end up going North once shes better, with Nwalme, to try and fix conflicts.
- Illthilior tells her he loves her, gives her a bracelet. Tells her Nwalme is a bad choice.
- Gets with Nwalme.
- Leaves, back to Havarda - Nwalme wants to stay there while she returns to Aewin.
- More training! More bears!
- Snazzy new snake tattoo on right thigh.
- Invites Nwalme to the training camp, since Illthilior is there too.
- Attends Nireth and Azure's wedding.
- Flits from Crossroads to the Camp.
- Drinking with the Aewin, Thilior drags Olive to the roof. Nylarii gets irritated.
- Train train train.
- Gets a snazzy new earring.
- Confrontation with Amaya, flees to Port Silver for days
- Nwalme finds her, they stay in PS for a while
- Illthilior confrontation
- Breaks her arm after trying to shove Illthilior from a ledge in PS
- Nwalme and Nylarii move to live in Havarda together with Evelyn and Jaxon
- something something, timeskip? i dont know what happened here
- Drachen returns, illthilior has to carry her back to Havarda, breakdown
- Illthilior is found upstairs uninvited, Nylarii threatens his life
- Nwalme suggests moving to Tambry, meets Nylariis parents
- Nylarii buys a big house in Tambry
- Niah and Alistairs wedding
- William needs her to go to Myrneth, Illthilior/Fjorleif drama - asks her to find out what happened to sheila
- Finds out vague details about sheila with aewin
- Buys a house in Myrneth and moves the family up North for months
- polar bear hunts, many birthdays, evelyn is 8. timeskips
- something something nwalme c;
- Tyr is born, Nylarii is midwife for the birth of her own grandson
- Spat with Amaya, punches Amaya after hit with a bottle
- Tzemik is back!
- Nylarii and Aryus go on boatrides, Nylarii is hurt
- Tzemik heals.
- Takes Sophie to Nwalme, feels, discussions
- Alexander Wise turns up in Myrneth, Jaxon wants to join his crew
- Punches Wise, drama, tells Jaxon of Drachen
- Nwalme proposes
- Adiella and Mila are disliked, Jaxon dies as a result of their medical care - Though promptly returned to life via Tzemik and Nwalme's assistance
- Nylarii is given a husky pup from William
- Illthilior is imprisoned in Vigils Rest but later released
- Baby is born premature, Tzemik lives with them and keeps child alive - Baby is named Tzemik in honour of
- Sophie and Aewin marry
- Riseport house is completed
- William and Kara return home, married
- Sophie is expectin'
- Jaxon and Nicholas talks
- Kara has a daughter, Nylarii is midwife once more
- Tzemik leaves, LilTze is safe and healthy
- Evelyn is kidnapped
- Nylarii kills Tol Jala
- Aracena visits Riseport
- Chats with Illthilior, he's living in Silverwatch(?) with Evaine
- Sees Drachen, fixes his broken nose, he's been in fights
- Nwalme lets Jezebel go
- Nobles Ball, Morgan Cerendor invites her
- Morgan asks her to be a foreign diplomat for Tambry, she wants him to discuss with Nwalme
- Dances with Argan
- Roy is in trouble with Azure, who she later visits in Zima'Maloj to put down idea of trade
- Falls out with William over kidnapped Evelyn and defending Lillium who resides on Sundown Isle
- Tried to hire a Northerner Ansgot for sailing
- Goes home in a temper, things escalate and she's stabbed in the calf with glass
- Nwalme kills Roy
- Morgan visits Riseport, talk of Tambry politics
- Tambry things fall through
- Nylarii falls ill
- Vacation with Nwalme and kiddies for a fairly long time
- Returns, Drachen is still sad, still suicidal
- Instead of letting him die alone in a tavern room she does it for him, they sail out to where the river meets the sea and she kills him after a farewell kiss, she lets the boat catch fire as it continues and she swims to shore. ;-;
- Goes to Port Silver alone, reminiscing of old memories. Goes to the place she first met the crew of Undertow, Drachen took her there
- Remains in Crossroads with Nwalme for a few days
- Travels to Thiil to see Aracena briefly, idle chat, is reminded of her human aging
- Buys a dagger from a wandering caravan
- She and Nwalme travel to Grafjell to find Tzemik
- Tzemik drama, relationship problems
- Tzemik invites her to Reignfall
- Nylarii and Nwalme return to Riseport
- Nylarii goes to Crossroads alone, meets Wise, invites him back to Riseport to settle issues
- Nwalme suggests taking Jacob for payment, manual labour
- Wise is invited to work for them in trade at Nylariis request
- Rainforest adventures with Omriel, Jacob, Raphael, Aryus, and Nwalme
- Jacob leaves the group, refuses to come with them, ends up being caught by Helix
- Eventually Nwalme and Nylarii go to Helix's home, he shows them Jacob, confesses to killing an Ocelot for her kittens which were locked in a room
-Nylarii takes the kittens/cubs, and Jacob is released. Helix is sent away to sort a contract with Wise
- Aryus finds out Drachen died, no details, Helix comforts Nylarii and she confesses to him about killing Drachen. Later he asks her if he is 'slipping' referring to his emotions
- Nylarii tells Aryus the details of Drachens death, more sadness
- Helps Raphael and an old drunk in the Crossroads, protects Mary Ann from harm despite her being to blame
- Attends the Noble's ball with Evelyn
- Threatens Raphael and some other for wanting to court Evelyn after she winked at one of them
- Family visit to the Kane's
- Raphael comes to say sorry, Nylarii is reminded that he's a pirate of Tideborne and reminds her of her own history
- Family outing to Thiil, Tzemik nearly slips from a cliff and Helix saves her - Then admits to Nylarii the events of pushing his own sister from a cliff when he was younger, she keeps this secret but tries to comfort
- Helix speaks to her back in Tambry, she suggests telling his Father about the things he's said. She tells him she loves him, and so on
- Nylarii saves Illthilior from having his hand burnt by Godric by intervening, Helix drags Illthilior away and Nylarii eventually follows suit, but things get stressful when talking to him and he later sends someone to apologise to her for it. He asks her why she was being nice to him, if she meant any of it. Reminds him that she's to be married...
- A talk with Raphael and Fadast, Raphael says about Darko possibly being dead, has at this point given her directions and a 'code' to Cutthroat Cove. She's reminded of nasty history
- Aracena's funeral. Tzemik informs her theres a group after her, and a Moor tried to kill her for the third time.
- Another day at the Crossroads, Helix and Nwalme talk privately (mind magiiic) and she bumps into Darko again which is an uncomfortable revelation
- In her panic she holds Nwalme which allows Helix to escape the tavern, Nwalme gives chase but cannot get him in time, and breaks down. Nylarii and Aryus try to console him.
- Later they return to Riseport, Nwalme goes home to think alone and Aryus, Nylarii and Alex (Did i mention hes a pseudo butler) remain on the docks. Helix arrives, armed with crossbow and blades at his hips. Nylarii tries to take the Crossbow from him, he pushes it to her chest but never fires it. She sends Alex to get Nwalme. Quiet words were had, Nwalme arrives with his own crossbow, Helix wishes to say his farewells - but as he rounds the corner Helix stabs himself in the sternum. He doesnt die immediately, Nwalme lifts him and uses the dagger to end Helix's life swiftly with a stab to his neck severing spine. Mind magics were had.
- Nylarii burns Helix at sea in a very similar fashion to Drachen, alone. She places her engagement ring on her necklace as she contemplate things.
- After a while she speaks to Nwalme and in her own grief decides he cannot be consoled, nor can she. And moves them backwards off the edge of the rise. Nwalme realises and stops before it occurs.
- Come sunrise, Nylarii decides she's got to be better and begins focusing on Trade of Riseport instead. Eventually this includes many voyages to Breakwater, then Reignfall, and Myrneth. Distances herself with Nwalme in the meantime.
- Explores Tambry sewers with Evelyn and tries to teach her more about self defence.
- Visits Roy in Zima Maloj to remind him of his debt.
- Becomes conflicted and concerned in Breakwater after finalising a contract. Tries to ammend things at Evelyns insistence and in urgency to leave Breakwater's confining walls she feels she condemned Illthilior to death. Feels incapable.
- Returns to Riseport, shouts at Evelyn, hits Nwalme, and flees into the Jungles of Riseport where shes later attacked by its wildlife and she further proves stupidity.
- Remains at home, in her bedroom. Depressed.
- Time passes. Eventual recovery, focus on expeditions to the ruins east of riseport.
- - Manages to get Nwalme to agree to let Illtihlior stay in Riseport, only for it to backfire when James arrives and Tzemiks life is seemingly endangered, and Illthilior reacts childishly. Illthilior is soon forced from Riseport after hiding on the Rise itself, Nylarii stands by as Nwalme and Tom hurt him and then she gets him on a boat to the Crossroads with no desire to see him again. Evelyn also helped heal him at some interval.
- Discusses plans for House Fuvur with Nwalme, which become reality.
- More expeditions. Ends up being shot in the thigh and burnt around the eyes. Is blinded for a while.
- Noble ball. Recovered. Dances with Sif, later wins a large sum of money(And some items from King Peter) from the raffle. Meets her 'grand-daughter' Njorun.
- Azerport expedition. Kills three bandits, generally a horrific experience. Stabbed three times and shot.
- Almost dies from bloodloss - Remains practically comatose for a few days in the Crossroads. (She was moved from Azerport)
- Nwalme gets her back to Riseport, where she remains bed ridden for a long period, her left arm is unuseable for the time being. Almost.
- Further recovery, up until a young Dwarf (Horben) visits. She sits on the bed and tells Evelyn she's proud of her, they have a moment. All is well. She allows Horben to stay in Riseport for now.
- Horben and Tzemik scale the rise, almost die, Evelyn goes down to save them. Evelyn dies in the process, Nylarii watches as she's too late to grasp her hand.
- Tears stitches in her panics and exertions.
- I keep forgetting to add to this. Nylarii is sad for a long time, focuses on work in Veilmere when she's not too crippled from loss. Smoking habits begin. Another expedition, more to let out anger it seems. Ryann dies, she can't bring herself to care about loss when compared to Evelyn. More work, no alcohol but riseport tobacco is a thing still.
- Veilmere work begins.New things are constructed.
- Timeskippery, tzemik is a bit older, work continues on Veilmere. Still no Evelyn.
- Soemthing about the Dogs and Riseport defences. And Tom.
- More mini fuvurs? or just sickness? who knows-
- Nylarii decides they should probably get married sometime. Perhaps when Veilmere is complete.
- Kills Elwyn for trying to take her necklace at knifepoint (Dee really wanted his char to die ok)
- More construction in Veilmere. A worker dies in an accident. (NPC. It just makes sense. Jaguars ok)
- Wedding plans become more finalised, a date is chosen.
- James goes to Riseport with Niko, tries to kill Nwalme, dies in the process and kills Niko after demanding Niko ends trade with Fuvurs. Niko was trying to help Nwalme maybe. Nylarii is upset, and removes James' head and sends Tom off to Tambry to go pike it in front of his guild with messages.
- Calan and Tamor are brought under House Fuvur.
-'Fuvurian Empire' - They have a meeting with Joanna of Tamor, and Thordil of Calan. Thordil annoys her with talk of James. She does not know if Nwalme knows about James' head yet.
- Decision to take the Cove. Meeting with Josef Mandovi doesnt go too smoothly.
- Nylarii and Nwalme get married, leaving for a while on the ship Aewin and Sophie gifted them.
- Upon return they visit the Kanes. They take Ansgar as a new Smith.
- More construction in Riseport.
- Zima'Maloj has smoke. They discuss expedition North of Riseport because of spooky shadow things.
- The Cove is captured. Tom dies, Aryus almost dies, Nwalme, Mikael and Vlad are burnt with hot oil. Nylarii drowns Corven.
- Aewin thought she was cruel, quick death is the better option. Or something.
- Nwalme slowly recovers.
- Aewin and Sophie return, it doesnt last long with an arguement with Nwalme. Sophie got hurt, drama ensued.
- Aryus awakens, Eala returns.
- Evelyn returns. Things are difficult, and strange. She flees into the jungle at some point, Nylarii follows but not closely enough. Evelyn is attacked by a jaguar, she kills it, and they return home.
- Jaxon comes to Riseport. Initially angry and hot tempered, he eventually apologises to Nwalme and theres hopes for things to finally be smoothed over after 20 years.
- Nylarii is midwife for Nia. Son is called Orvar.
- Riseport is more active. Mines, Prison, Bath house, more houses, new tavern. Its all constructed over time and Nylarii is Overseer.

- More time passes, pregnancy gets more obvious. (Aka i forgot to add stuff so heres another smattering of updates)
- Shadow spooks.
- Raan kills Xira, Raan is arrested. She then refuses to hand over weapons in her cell and after attacking people, Nylarii shoots her in the chest with a crossbow and Evelyn finishes the job with a claymore.
- Crying baby in the jungle. Wisp antics.
- Kieril commits suicide in the forge. Nylarii buries him at sea and cleans the mess.
- Nylarii makes a trade with someone working for Wise, and now owns 100+ bars of Ravenmire Silver.
- Themis more or less tries to die by attacking Nwalme, he gets what he wanted via beheading.
- Grafjell trip for Lillium. Speaks with Ashna and Grey, mentions of War.
- Bastion research by Nwalme.
- Wisp imitates the sounds of baby Tzemik falling from the Rise. Nylarii is emotionally traumatised.

- Moor Elves attack Riseport. Cultists.
- People are hurt, Nwalme's magic gets hindered for a time (1 OOC week)
- Something about giant spiders in the Northern jungle but they all come back okay.
- Nwalme finds Illthilior in Riseport and stabs him in the thigh.
- Nwalme's thoughts on an Exodus.
- Twins are born'd.
- Dogs try to kill Ava. (Moriarty, Snerus.)
- Cymic is suspicious and strange, ends up being exiled by Nwalme for other reasoning. Unnerves Nylarii with his words as he leaves. "If I were a Dog I'd kill you right now"
- More shit
- The undead force them from Riseport
- Month and some of sailing, loss of Mikael, and then the Loss of Aryus upon landing. Cradle is lost, camp is set up.
- Time passes, Sanardu is created.

Long amounts of time pass again because I forgot to add.
- Sanardu becomes a thriving port city.
- Anhald war over lands of Amalfia.
- Storm's Landing 'peace meeting'. Evelyn refuses to bend the knee, others are of a similar mind. Nylarii attacks King Peter. Chaos erupts, ends in the crippling of Nylarii, death of Ashna, Evelyn, Jeor, and likely some others.
- Fuvur has to flee and go into hiding. Sanardu is abandoned.
- Fuvur returns years later, things are tense.
- Strange occurances with portals and demons.
- Nwalme abdicates and leaves Trystan in charge of the city.
- Marriage falls into a bad place.
- : (

- 'The Fog'. fuck you Fog. Poor Lulu.


eudo - a book/poem thing
njorun - a bottle of wine older than francis, and a golden grapevine necklace (
vorar - 2 sets of horse armour, ghast tears, a golden apple, wither skull, plank of wood from lake vera(Nwalmes original home i think)
Jhaeros - a giant amethyst
Niko - A glass peacock (its huge and we all thought it was a body or something)
Kanes - A statuette (
Cloud - Gave Nylarii a delicate glass object, sealed, with white tea inside 'for emergencies' (its cute)

Fadast - Greyling Gravel (Pebbles?) For Nwalme and Wine stolen from Illthilior for Nylarii

'Ser Ilyiard Vaughnon'(Helix) -
[ Included is a set of goblets carefully sculpted in silver, glass, and inlaid gold. The bases of the two goblets are studded with sparkling gems. It is sent with a very expensive bottle of wine.
If Nwalme would recognize each gem was mined from Riseport. ]

Aewin and Soph - Jewellery, and a beautiful fuckin' ship

William -

'For Ma; In the crate is a beautiful Seax dagger, the blade made of the finest metal I could find, with a close guard of fine silver, matched with a hilt of Walrus tusk, with carved knots, similar to those carved upon my boats.

For Father; Nwalme, I had attempted to carve you a pipe myself out of Tusk, but I failed, instead I enlisted some help and had a fine quantity pipe made out of spruce and tusk as well, and I hope it serves you well.'
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Events Staff
Very Sweet
For art? I'm afraid not, not right now ;n; I've got a small backlog of paid commissions to get through, hah~


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Aw, thanks Darko. c:
And I don't know! I'm more often than not lounging in the Crossroads, so unless your character never visits I'm unsure. :p
(I'm taking a kind of... Vacation currently however, thanks to Darko there. Less you're smuggled off to a mysterious island too?)


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Current predicament: Fending off Tidebornes with butter knives (Or, made a valiant attempt, failed miserably)

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Events Staff
Very Sweet
Edited! Purple sections are temporary changes, thanks to a certain recent incident with a certain purple-eyed being. Also sorted relations some more.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Baha. Now updated with more extensive relations! Sorry if I've forgotten anyone. Lemme know if I have. Was a lot to go through.