Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Omrielus - ReWhitelisting [Accepted - Glados]


Loyal Servant of Altera
1. Omrielus

2. Twenty.

3. 'Merica.

4. Ye, I have.

5. Metagaming is the result of using knowledge gained OOC to use IC.
Powergaming is the act of being much stronger than one should be in-character. Not letting people have any choice in a fight, things always going your way, etc, etc.

6. I'm going to go for no.

7. Snerus.

8. For starters, I'm pretty great. My hobbies can be defined with two words. Video games. Lots of them. I'm pretty boring otherwise.

9. I did a lil' drawing a while back, I think it's prolly the best around.
that one person from that one mountain island place

I refer myself.


Name: Omriel Usuyl
Age: 25
Race: hooman

Appearance: Omriel is 5"6'. His hair runs short and stops around the tops of his ears, he usually wears a cloak over his travelling gear.. which might be traded out soon for something more settled now that he's found a place to be...
His eyes are a dark brown color, pretty plain. His build is fairly lithe and in fact looks a little underfed.

Test thing:

Uh, I'm gunna going to paste my original one, since it was accepted, and I want to get this form done p quick. c:

The TEST! ohnoi'mhorridattests.
This is the story of a small family.. a husband, wife, and one child.
Oh, deary me, it's a tale of bloodshed! Tragedy! Inconvenience!
The young lad awoke one dreary night, his room plastered with darkness in the cold of night.
Though, something was amiss, unusual and felt quite wrong. As Omriel quickly grabbed his lantern, he began to scan the room, hoping it was just his thoughts getting to him- until he heard a quick rustling sound! The was a man in his room, he looked ragged and beat up... this reeked of trouble.
Omriel stood up, practically shaking as he addressed the man: "U- uh.. excuse me? If you're looking for the valuables, they aren't in my room..." He said, watching the man turn to respond. "N- no! Ohgods.. I- eh.." He starts rubbing the back of his head and getting real nervous. "I didn't mean to wake you. I'm just hungry." The poor man replied, starting for the window he had entered through.
"Wait! If.. you're hungry, I can get you something to eat! Just.. hold on a moment!" He said, quietly moving through the door. The man could hear him stepping through the small house in the dead of night, rummaging through barrels until a large bang could be heard ringing out. Omriel bolted back into his room, panting softly and handed a small sack of food to the raggedy man. "This should last a couple days.. ! I think my folks are awake.. better get going, my father won't take too kindly to this...!" He whisper-talked, the man saying his thanks quite quickly as he jumped the window and bolted down the path to safety. His father slammed into the room soon after. "What's with all the noise?!" He said, almost in a rage after being woken up. "I.. uh, went to get something to snack on.. and I tripped on your axe and got scared, so I ran back in here." This was only the half truth, his father however, seemed to buy it. "Hmph! I'll warn you once, next time shall come with consequences, Omriel." His father spoke more professionally than one would think. Regardless, the night's events were over.

Several years later...
Omriel woke up to his same old room, though a little smaller.. that probably just came with getting as tall as he did. He stretched, yawned, got dressed and went into the kitchen to greet his parents.
They were not as happy as he thought they would be. "Son, the crops aren't selling, we've no food for any of us for breakfast. I know you work a bit over at McClellans, if you've any money, I need you to go to market, buy us a few new crops. These aren't growing at all in the soil recently..." The man just- wow. That was a quite a morning to wake up to. Never-the-less, he went into town; headed toward the local market. However, along the way he was pulled aside by a small group of urchins all wielding small daggers. He was forced to give away all his coin.. and even got cut a few times for being so hard to mug! His cheek bled... Omriel didn't know what to do, his parents were relying on him, without food or money, how were they to survive when he left?! These thoughts ran through his mind constantly, until a man approached him, he wore fancy garbs and smiled warmly. "I witnessed that display of greed, those vile urchins... I've been looking for you, and this.. I think is a perfect time for this. Not to say that what just happened was good.. but this will help." He said, holding up a thick fat bag of gold pieces. "Wh- ..! How did you get all this gold? Who are you?!" He said, having to use both hands to hold the bag. "Ah, names are not important. Just know, that food you gave me helped me last until I got home, and then some. My business flourished out in these plains, so, I think it's only fair if I found you and gave you your cut." He said, putting his hands in his suit pockets. "Now.. I think I should be going now. Have a wonderful life, lad." Was the last thing Omriel would ever hear from this man. Omriel was shocked! He wasn't a very big talker. The now rich Omriel bolted to market, bought food, crops, new blankets and clothes and ran home.. with an escort just in case.~ His parents- oh boy were they shocked.
A few weeks later.. Omriel was getting ready to leave, at the age of 21, he was finally going to start the trek towards a new life.


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
*glances at drawing.*
*Evanescense plays in background*