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On Every Fight Having to End in Death


Retired Staff
No, stop that. In the real world, the overwhelming majority of fights end with one or both combatants running away or disabling the opponent so they can escape. Every martial art is about putting the enemy down long enough to make an escape, not a kill. Even in war, it's better to injure an opponent over killing them since they keep using the enemy's resources while in recovery.

However, in Altera every single fight seems like it has to end with someone dying. That absolutely isn't the case, and here's a few options to show how a fight can go, in no special order:

A) Kill Your Enemy

The most common option, it seems. In this situation, you and your enemy fight to a point where you're arguing over if you've killed them or not and poor Somnastra has to come settle it for you, or you've killed the enemy. Now what? They're out of a character for a few days and come back with OOC anger over it (which, to be fair, shouldn't affect RP). Your character is also now likely wanted for murder.
B) Disable, Disarm, Or Otherwise Handicap Your Enemy

This is a much easier option than killing. Just disarm or wound your enemy to discourage further action, and either of you can proceed to option C.

Disabling is a less irritating solution than a character dying. You get fighting experience, and your enemy gets to RP as being injured or crippled, which can be quite fun as well as lead to tons of development (@blargtheawesome can attest to this). This is something most people don't consider doing, but it's so easy to handle. Injury is less contested than getting killed, and someone with a broken leg would obviously be unable to pursue you.
C) Run Away

The easiest option of all of them. Just stop fighting and run away. Throw sand or dirt at your foe's eyes to distract them, or point and shout something about the lottery, a fine wench, or any other distraction and leave the fight. Unless the purpose of the fight is to kill (which is a decision a character should think on heavily, as murder isn't exactly light) then your enemy running away has accomplished the purpose of the fight easily. You won, they fled. Minimum fuss, and now you get intimidation cred and better street rep than "psychopathic killer".

I've "won" a fair few fights as Vorar by being too slow to actually pursue people. Walking away at a brisk pace is enough to stop fighting with Vorar, since he can't chase very well.
D) Backflip over a javelin, vanish into the shadow dimension, and appear behind them to snap their neck

Yeah, do this and you're getting banned for being an ass.
E) Lose

Good for RP as long as it isn't a killing fight: getting injured or crippled can add volumes of depth to your RP and character. They can also learn humility by their loss or find the motivation to start learning how to defend themselves. Of course, running away is easier, but losing can be fun.

E) Fight Unarmed

Drawing a weapon escalates conflict tremendously. When you bring weapons into play, you're saying that you're willing to kill to win, which is bad. Fighting unarmed and not immediately going to the maximum force possible is a much better prospect. This is also reflected in real life: where the police could shoot you down immediately, they instead use tear gas, tasers, etc to try and disable you and win with minimum possible conflict and damage. The same goes in IRL wars. We have nukes and hideously powerful weapons, but going directly to the highest degree of force is unfeasible and an incredibly poor choice for obvious reasons (retaliation of maximum force). In a fight, it's always better to start at low force and try to end it quickly instead of pulling a weapon. A weapon will also exhaust faster than other means of fighting, and that's bad. In real life, a fight can only go for a very short time before combatants get exhausted and can't keep fighting. Ever see MMA fighting? The fighters conserve energy instead of immediately going all out as one would in a real fight. When you fight, remember to escalate force reasonably. Don't go all out at first with a weapon, but build to it if you have to.

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Lord of Altera
bless you.

bless. you.

I'll write something adding to this because we should
add to this.


Lord of Altera
ah yes, one thing to add here, slightly peripheral:

stop drawing weapons every dang hecking fight. it wastes time, basically ensures someone's either dying or losing an important body part, and it makes everyone in the nearest vicinity want to break up the fight.

and besides theres no need. someone makes you angry? just punch them. punch them in the face. have a fistfight.


Could a point (heh) be added on the bum-rush to get insta-kills in a fight concerning ending in death? I always hate it when I get an arrow trained at my head from either ten feet away or from behind me. It ends the roleplay and as said before isn't necessary because death isn't the always option.

Aim for the knee or something and run away-


The Kingdom Crusher
The thing about this is reactions to when you spare a character. I remember when Dav'id spared Lohkan after he broke Highland Law and was pretty much on the verge of bleeding to death in the middle of nowhere, but he developed a vendetta against me that lasted a month. The thing is the attitude of constant violence and murder has stopped me going to spawn to RP, I hate the fact I feel I'm gong to get killed whenever I'm there unless I bring about three Engem. The thing about murder is it wipes their memory. That's the one perk, it will stop vendettas more than the other option; but that doesn't make it good. It's an underlying issue with combat RP that stops people RPing as much or as widely as they otherwise would like.


Lord of Altera
might mention something about vendettas on my general fight rp thread...

or it could stay here, as it has to do with the end of combat


Retired Staff
@Tybalt Disagree? What's your opinion on the matter?

@Goldengem25 Yeah, that's another thing that needs to be addressed. Getting spared from dying of course puts feelings of revenge in people, but they should also have apprehension when near the person who almost did them in. However, as the public leader of a radical political group, you shouldn't be surprised if people single you out for attack either :p

@Scardrac Actually, that kind of action, though frowned upon, would end a fight very quickly and with minimal fuss. Having an arrow trained on you doesn't have to result in death, but it should result in you surrendering or deciding to run for it. The person holding the bow shouldn't necessarily have to fire to kill you if you run, of course - if their goal is to stop the fight, you running will end it.


Lord of Altera
@Tybalt Disagree? What's your opinion on the matter?

@Goldengem25 Yeah, that's another thing that needs to be addressed. Getting spared from dying of course puts feelings of revenge in people, but they should also have apprehension when near the person who almost did them in. However, as the public leader of a radical political group, you shouldn't be surprised if people single you out for attack either :p

@Scardrac Actually, that kind of action, though frowned upon, would end a fight very quickly and with minimal fuss. Having an arrow trained on you doesn't have to result in death, but it should result in you surrendering or deciding to run for it. The person holding the bow shouldn't necessarily have to fire to kill you if you run, of course - if their goal is to stop the fight, you running will end it.
With Scardracs point I agree with Baron. I usually aim at the persons head to try and diffuse a situation but if that person continues to say charge at me I'll adjust my aim to the Knee as that will trip stop them from gaining speed. Also if you're going to have full plate armor but your face is visible it's going to an be obvious place to aim for because that will get through to actually cause damage.
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The Kingdom Crusher
Not just Chalkan, but all my characters. But yeah, Chalkan can be targeted.. And it's not a political group! It's a tribe :heart:


No, rather, my point is firing the arrow/bolt without a second chance to run or defend myself. They just simply shoot.


Lord of Altera
@Tybalt Disagree? What's your opinion on the matter?

@Goldengem25 Yeah, that's another thing that needs to be addressed. Getting spared from dying of course puts feelings of revenge in people, but they should also have apprehension when near the person who almost did them in. However, as the public leader of a radical political group, you shouldn't be surprised if people single you out for attack either :p

@Scardrac Actually, that kind of action, though frowned upon, would end a fight very quickly and with minimal fuss. Having an arrow trained on you doesn't have to result in death, but it should result in you surrendering or deciding to run for it. The person holding the bow shouldn't necessarily have to fire to kill you if you run, of course - if their goal is to stop the fight, you running will end it.
I ment to player love~

Altho I have noticed some peoes attempts to make Altera generally a less violent place.

And that's great. But they go against the wrong people.

Okay, Zulin. We all know he is a serial Killer. My character went to go capture him. Once there I shot him in the knee so I could capture him yo put him in Engem prison and have a trial there.

The two pacifist tried convincing me that Zulin is a changed man and he doesn't need to be punished. (Which he literally committed the act an hour before hand)

They claimed he had a mental issue and that it's not his fault. For one I dislike it when people blame their violent acts on mental problems. Two, that just confirms that he will do the same thing again and needs to be locked up to prevent more mass killings from happening.

They were stuck on believing that I was there to kill him (which should have been obvious I wasn't. I was above him out of sight when I shot his knee when I very could have much shot him in the head if my character wanted him dead.) and these so called "pacifist" took up arms against me when I went to take him anyway, almost causing even more violence because my character was going to kill him if they didn't let him go.


Lord of Altera
No, rather, my point is firing the arrow/bolt without a second chance to run or defend myself. They just simply shoot.
I actually give people time. But if I see one more person even attempt to keep the fight going I usually just let it fly.


Coffee Enthusiast

*melts.* justhankyousomuch


Lord of Altera
My opinion is that we don't apply the law correctly.

By that I mean be that, in a normal medieval society, most if not all of you would currently either be rotting in a dirty rat-ridden cell, have both of your eyes missing, have a hand cut off or be dead either from the gallows or the execution block.

What I'm trying to make you realize is that justice was often harsher, and it didn't really depend on which town you were in, it was a rather universal constant. The way you all behave in public, flashing blades for no reason and being often openly agressive for no reason, was often heavily punished.

For my part, I intend to apply rude but just laws and to implement a tolerance-zero justice in the Enclave of Haven. Im serious when I say that from now on, when I see people running around with their blades unsheated or fighting eachother, they better have a good reason or they're both going to jail pronto.

I think that if all House Lords, Kings and Lesser landbarons would do as me, this would dramatically reduce crime and agressivity.


Coffee Enthusiast
Addendum: People don't seem to also realise: killing /is not/ easy. They don't seem to take into account the consequences, ( emotionally, physically, and socially ) of ending a person's life.
Unless there's something seriously wrong with your character, taking a life is not something you shrug off and do as a part of your daily routine.


Lord of Altera
My opinion is that we don't apply the law correctly.

By that I mean be that, in a normal medieval society, most if not all of you would currently be rotting in a dirt rat-ridden cell, have both of your eyes missing, have a hand cut off or be dead either from the gallows or the execution block.

What I'm trying to make you realize is that justice was often harsher, and it didn't really depend on which town you were in, it was a rather universal constant. The way you all behave in public, flashing blades and being often openly agressive for no reason, was often heavily punished.

For my part, I intend to apply rude but just laws and to implement a tolerance-zero justice in the Enclave of Haven. Im serious when I say that from now on, when I see people running around with their blades or fighting eachother, they better have a good reason or they're both going to jail pronto.

I think that if all House Lords, Kings and Lesser landbarons would do as me, this would dramatically reduce crime and agressivity.
And that shall be very interesting


Lord of Altera
I agree with all this...
But I also think that, to add to it-
Whenever someone enters a Tavern or such, they always emote having 'two swords at their side, six daggers strapped to belt-' when really... Just going into a tavern for a drink, the most a person'd bring is a sword incase they got jumped. Like... Oh, I see. You are going to come into a tavern for a drink in full plate armor, carrying your finest weaponry.


Lord of Altera
I agree with all this...
But I also think that, to add to it-
Whenever someone enters a Tavern or such, they always emote having 'two swords at their side, six daggers strapped to belt-' when really... Just going into a tavern for a drink, the most a person'd bring is a sword incase they got jumped. Like... Oh, I see. You are going to come into a tavern for a drink in full plate armor, carrying your finest weaponry.
I agree with all this...
But I also think that, to add to it-
Whenever someone enters a Tavern or such, they always emote having 'two swords at their side, six daggers strapped to belt-' when really... Just going into a tavern for a drink, the most a person'd bring is a sword incase they got jumped. Like... Oh, I see. You are going to come into a tavern for a drink in full plate armor, carrying your finest weaponry.
I'm guilty of that, ALOT of people are