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Open Loredev Thread - Cogitation Reworks/Rebalancing


Non sum qualis eram

I figured that occasionally it might be nice to see the design behind how stuff is developed, so while I have the spark to write and the time, I'm making part of the work I'm doing on Cogitation into a public thread. No information in this public thread will cover abilities that are strictly above adept level magic, but I may go into details on abilities available below that progress above. Some old information is also being release that, now being deprecated, is no longer a spoiler to release.

Please be advised: Using any information derived from this thread without learning it IC is metagaming of the absolute highest caliber, and if it is reported to me, and has solid evidence, you will be receiving a tempban and will probably be blacklisted from the magic system.


Cogitation has a few lingering balance issues due to it's original derivation from D&D mechanics that I want to address, most notably that the system it was based off presumes a save and progressing abilities of mental resistance to be factored in, which we do not have in Altera - and replaced them with rolls put upon the caster. It also has a passive that mitigates the inherent, intended flaws of the discipline and that edges into Mysticism that I want to replace with something granting substantially higher utility that does not unbalance things.


Non sum qualis eram
Old Cogitation Passive Abilities:

Trance Abilities

level 1 - Basic Trance - At this level, the mage has barely learned to get into a meditative state of mind. At this level, a trance can be broken if the mage does anything else. Also, loud noises, being bumped or otherwise physically interacted with, or any other mild distractions are enough to force a mage out of the trance. The first ability the mage learns outside of casting spells is the ability to mentally control the speed of his heartbeat and his metabolism. Mechanically, this allows the mage to spend a day per level longer than the norm without food and water before dying of hunger/thirst. Also, the mage can slow his heartbeat in order to slow how quickly he loses blood through his wounds. A mage in a trance can stay alive 1.5 times longer at level 1, 2 times longer at level 2, 3 at 3, ect ect.

level 2 - this level allows a mage to make simple movements like walking and picking up/setting down objects while holding a trance. General annoyance and discomfort doesn't break a trance, but pain of any sort will. The mage at this stage learns how to read the auras of people and supernatural objects. The way mages see auras are different depending on the mage, but with time and training they begin to understand what the different colors and patterns mean to them. These colors and patterns tell the mage two things - 1, the current emotion of the aura's owner (such as blue for sad, red for angry) and 2, possible supernatural influences on the owner of the aura ( swirling patterns for a person protected by a spell, a pale shade covering the aura of someone currently being controlled by another force). This ability cannot tell you the specifics of any supernatural effect, only its presence. Example - A person tainted by grief may have an aura with dark veins pulsing. However, the mage in trance can only see that a dark power is influencing their aura, not the specifics of the taint or Queen Grief. Thus, a person that has been bestowed a blessing by Kilrox and someone tainted with Grief would give off the same aura.

level 3 - Advanced Trance - The trance at this point can be sustained through pain, though massive trauma, such as losing a limb, body engulfed in fire, being eaten alive by a swarm of angry rats, will still break concentration. This level of trance also allows the mage to create a schism in his mind. The schism is essentially having the willpower to separate both halves of the brain and allow them to work independently of each other. the mechanical benefit of this is that the mage can now cast and hold spells with one half while preforming advanced actions with the other (attacking, defending, running, complex fine manipulation of objects, writing, speaking, ect). You cannot use this ability to cast two spells at the same time, as the combined mental drain is too much for a mind to handle and will result in brain damage as though the mage casted one spell more than he had available in a day. Also, due to the reduced mental capacity given to cast spells, spells of the highest level the mage can normally use are uncastable during a schism. Fianlly, staying in a schism for any real length of time is dangerous. Mages that stay in a schism for longer than a few minutes at a time (equivalent to a simple combat - long sieges and multiple group combats are too long) run the risk of developing split personality disorder. A schism performed by a mage with split personality disorder cannot control the actions performed by one of the halves (roll 1d2 - 1 is any spellcasting available, 2 is everything else). The rogue personality immediately tries to sever the connection with his other half, doing everything he can to physically split his shared body in two. (use rules concerning abuse of magic to determine when a SPD occurs)

level 4 - Indomitable Will - at this point, the mage can take any amount of damage and not lose his trance. In addition, while in a trance a mage does not suffer the effects of pain, emotion, most forms of poison, ect. Note that this does not negate any damage, simply that the mage doesn't have to deal with the mental effects of such. Example - A level 4 mage while in a trance gets his left arm cut off. The arm is gone and the arm is bleeding (though at a reduced rate due to his level 1 ability) but the pain is ignored and the mage can go right into his next spell without skipping a beat.

level 5 - Metaconcert - The peak level of the trance, a master mage can create a Metaconcert with other mages capable of creating schisms. Each mage (who must be level 3 or higher) essentially elects to invoke their Schism ability. However, instead of the mages individually gaining the ability of a schism, instead their mental energy is collected together to form a metaconcert. The metaconcert is an object of pure mental energy and focus, directed by the master mage (called the director). The metaconcert not only take the concentration of the schism, but it also takes the mental energy in the form of cogitation spell points. Each mage gives up at least 1 and up to half of their remaining spell points, which is then stored in the metaconcert. The director of the metaconcert may then use these points to have the metaconcert cast spells. For the purposes of concentration for spells, the metaconcert is always in trance. Each mage participating may still cast their own spells, but cannot do anything other than simple movements and actions otherwise. The metaconcert is visible, and looks like a swirling ball of translucent energy, with tendrils leading back to each mage's heads. The metaconcert only knows spells the director knows.

If a mage in the metaconert is rendered unconcious the metaconcert loses a fraction of it's remaining spell points based on the number of orginal mages. (if three mages are in concert, and one is removed, the metaconcert loses 1/3 of it's remaining spell points. If there were four mages, the metaconcert loses 1/4 its remaining points each time a mage is removed.) If the metaconcert is attacked - such as through a spell that attacks the mind, or a counterspell/area of void magic is used - and the attack hits, the metaconcert is automatically destroyed, all spell points stored lost, and each member of the concert receives an effect similar to a concussion. This effectively blocks the mages from being able to cast cogitation-based spells and enter a trance for 24 hours, after which period the damage subsides.


Non sum qualis eram
New Cogitation Passive:

With the new passive, we are implementing the most fundamental utility ability, one that serves as a baseline for the rest of Cogitation, as a no-cost passive ability that improves as the character becomes better at the discipline.


Beginner: A beginning Cogitator has learned how to communicate with other sapient entities using their mind. By being in physical contact, forehead to forehead(Or equivalent) the Cogitator can send mental messages. The standard for mental messages is the text enclosed in +...+. The cogitator can receive expressed responses in the form of projected thoughts, of which our standard is {...}, only if the communicated entity is consenting.

Initiate: When a Cogitator has advanced to initiate level, their ability to communicate with telepathy advances. They no longer have to maintain physical contact and can communicate within the distance defined by the whisper channel.

Adept: When a Cogitator has completed their apprenticeship, their telepathy again improves and they develop a new technique.

An Adept's telepathy range increases to that of the Roleplay chat. Furthermore, within the distance of whisper chat, they automatically pick up on projected thoughts in a fashion similar to if they were softly spoken words. Large numbers of entities projecting thoughts at the same time causes stress and headaches but no lasting damage. A Cogitator cannot shut off this part of the passive without use of an active spell that requires specific training and development, and as such, it is important that the training to Adept include an understanding of how to mitigate this, the Master only allowing the apprentice the status when they feel they are ready.

At Adept level, the Cogitator also has the ability to form a Mental Channel. A Mental Channel is a form of Communication between the Cogitator and a willing, sapient entity that mentally grants informed consent. It cannot be established without all parties understanding what it is. A Mental Channel allows the Cogitator to privately send and receive mental communication with an entity without risk of interception and over potentially longer distances. At Adept Level, the range on their Mental Channel is the distance encompassed by the roleplay chat, they can make a channel with one entity, and it requires concentration for them to do so, meaning they cannot use other cogitation abilities at the same time.

Using a Mental Channel is an IC methodology of sending a Private Message. Start the channel with @Target +*You have received a request to open a mental channel.*+ Subsequent messages to and from use the +...+ for cogitator transmitted thoughts and {...} for non-cogitation responses.

Either participant can sever the Mental Channel at any time.


At expert level, all abilities are further refined in their usefulness. They can communicate with Telepathy to the distance of the Yell channel and passively pick up on projected thoughts within the Roleplay channel.

An Expert can maintain up to two Mental Channels without concentration as passive connections that can be re-activated at will, and do so at a distance of 1000m. (Approximately the size of a single City.) If the Cogitator or subject moves outside this range the connection goes idle but does not sever, instead re-establishing itself automatically once both are again in range, unless the connection has been intentionally severed by either party. Idle connections count against a Cogitators maximum.


At Master level, the cogitator automatically picks up on projected thoughts within the range of the Yell Channel.

They can maintain up to four Mental Channels at any time, at any distance, as long as both entities are on the same plane - if not, the connection goes idle. Furthermore, a Master-level cogitator can relay their mental channels together, allowing for individuals besides the cogitator to message each other, using the Cogitator's mental connection as a bridge. This occurs in the form of a /ch create 'X', with all the standards of a PM message channel.

The Master level cogitator must form the connection within 1000m, but it can extend past that range once formed.
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Noble of Altera
Hello! I've seen in a lot of fantasy (can't remember a specific title atm, but I could go dig one up) that where telepathy is concerned the first step is often sensing emotions rather than specific thoughts. I suppose it has to do with how the writer decides thoughts work - emotions formed into words or words accompanied by emotions, or something else entirely.

So my question is two fold, I suppose - Can Cogitators sense emotions as part of their passive? If so, is it easier or harder than sensing thoughts?

I think sensing emotions would be harder to RP - unless all those around agree to add emotion tags in the {} - but sensing emotions is also less intrusive than hearing thoughts, so characters might be more comfortable around Cogitators.

Not sure if you were even looking for feedback on this, but I hope it's not a bother ^_^
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Non sum qualis eram
Hello! I've seen in a lot of fantasy (can't remember a specific title atm, but I could go dig one up) that where telepathy is concerned the first step is often sensing emotions rather than specific thoughts. I suppose it has to do with how the writer decides thoughts work - emotions formed into words or words accompanied by emotions, or something else entirely.

So my question is two fold, I suppose - Can Cogitators sense emotions as part of their passive? If so, is it easier or harder than sensing thoughts?

I think sensing emotions would be harder to RP - unless all those around agree to add emotion tags in the {} - but sensing emotions is also less intrusive than hearing thoughts, so characters might be more comfortable around Cogitators.

Not sure if you were even looking for feedback on this, but I hope it's not a bother ^_^
Mm - I don't want to do what a lot of fantasy stuff does - I'm doing my best to try and make Cogitation fairly original. What the passives are supposed to represent is something fundamentally part of the discipline that is used to do things - the Mystics have improved metabolism because it fuels the school, likewise, mental communications is the backbone of Cogitation.


Noble of Altera
Mm - I don't want to do what a lot of fantasy stuff does - I'm doing my best to try and make Cogitation fairly original. What the passives are supposed to represent is something fundamentally part of the discipline that is used to do things - the Mystics have improved metabolism because it fuels the school, likewise, mental communications is the backbone of Cogitation.
I understand the desire for originality completely, and I agree that hearing thoughts makes more sense given the discipline. Cogitation is focus and willpower, which is more of a thought thing than an emotion thing. (As I understand it, me not bing an expert).
So is Cogitation is only able to hear words? Do they get any emotional 'inflection'?
Separate but related: Can a Cogitator hear the difference between different minds? If so, is it more like a mental 'flavor' (also popular in fantasy) or just the sound of the person's internal voice? If it's just their internal voice, can a person disguise their thoughts by thinking in a a different voice (like when you think of how a friend or actor would say something)?

Lots of questions, sorry. :oops: I'm actually more interested in learning Thaumaturgy, but I can't see a magic system and not be curious.


Non sum qualis eram
Wow. How neat. I have a new respect for Cogitation. A lot of what is here I thought went under Mysticism exclusively.
That was part of the problem, actually. I've now got a definition of exactly where the border is between the magic of mind and magic of body.


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
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Retired Owner
Either participant can sever the Mental Channel at any time.
This, and the consent bit, are very important, and I think we'll have to brainstorm ways to make sure that even folks without magical characters are educated on how magic affects them. @Faelin @Michcat


Lord of Altera
Sorry if my question might seem either oblivious or ill-positioned, especially coming from me, but may I ask how does one comes to learn an art of Magick again?


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Sorry if my question might seem either oblivious or ill-positioned, especially coming from me, but may I ask how does one comes to learn an art of Magick again?
A set of criteria established by each Magus, which is theirs to divulge.