Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Orc, Goblin, Lizard City] Zuk'thar


Loyal Servant of Altera
Settlement Name: Zuk'thar
Dominant House: N/a until we can afford to buy a house to represent the clan
Chieftain: Taleis
Heir: MrLighty (Goes by different ICly)
Population: 4-6 [Brand new]
Accepted Races: Orcs (Earth spawn), Goblins (Graylings), Lizards (Primordals). Sorry my lizards friends it seems your race was taken away. Tell Fiz that you still support that race if you want to place as them. If you don't recognize the new names I recommend reading the new lore.
Description: Zuk'thar is to become a monstrous city created by the very vile creatures that inhabit the ________ Clan [House]. Almost all the structures of the city are dominated by orc architecture. The city is boxed in by a a mountain, and very large gates in front. On its right side is a ocean where its mighty fleet may sail from. Be warned this is a hostile city and you can be killed if you enter without a good reason. [There will be signs warning you when you spawn]
Lore: To be announced.
Spawn: This is not the current spawn but its what I plan to happen. In front of the massive city gates there is a forrest. Over time we plan to chop the tree downs to expand (leaving the trunks to show the deforestation). It will be like Lord of the Rings, how the orcs chopped down the forrest near Isengard. Anyway at the edge of the forrest lies a tree just like the others, except it has an animal burrow beneath it where you will spawn. In the burrow its like a small oasis, very small I'm talking 7-8 blocks wide on each side. There will be signs telling you that exiting the burrow means that you acknlowed you can and may be killed.

Pictures/Videos: Again its new so we don't have any builds yet but I have plenty of concept work.

Backstories of our Members (PM us your thread)
Taleis & MrLightyy's backstory.

Recruitment: Please fill out the following format to join.
  1. Account Name
  2. IC Name
  3. Character Age
  4. Race
  5. Link to your backstory if you have one
  6. Desired Field of Work [Agriculture, Military/Government, etc]


Loyal Servant of Altera
To most of the members thinking, the first building is similar to this, much better though i modified it since i took this SS

also final and last reserved



Loyal Servant of Altera
The Cutthroat Cove has this aswell, if you don't agree or can't read then don't bother coming through.


Its allowed but awkward. If you get an immature towns person who just kills everyone entering then it bad for publicity and RP value


Cutthroat cove is home to some of the best RPers. Ive never seen anyone abuse the pvp signs. Whats so bad about asking someone to leave? If you give them an ooc warning and they refuse to go then just kill them. By having signs consenting to PVP you are leaving yourselves open to attacks.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
That is true we could be building and some dumb wood elf could shoot us from a nearby tree crying about his forest!
(I dont hate you wood elves really its just sort of from a RP perspective)
You could change the signs to any none Earthspawn,greylings who DONT have permison from Taleis or MrLightyy may be killed if they dont leave , this then means people cant invade and kills us, BUT we can kill them if they dont leave!


You dont need a sign for that, if someone is being a pain in your town and you ask the to leave or you will make them, if they dont leave just kill em and return their stuff


The Lioness of Davia
Just trying to make things clearer, the Greylings do not live with Earthspawns, since Earthpawns revolted to their creators and made their own society according to the lore; It would be impossible to rp in the same city, and by looking at the project it's clearly an Earthspawn city. So i think you should edit that part.. And also.. Primordials (lizards) are no longer an accepted race. so you might want to get rid of that..

Maybe in the future if i have the funds and enough greyling join on Altera i could start making my own town project, for Greylings only. we could then, make an ally or something, through rp obviouls as well as continuing the rebellion..

Eric V

Legend of Altera
Just trying to make things clearer, the Greylings do not live with Earthspawns, since Earthpawns revolted to their creators and made their own society according to the lore; It would be impossible to rp in the same city, and by looking at the project it's clearly an Earthspawn city. So i think you should edit that part.. And also.. Primordials (lizards) are no longer an accepted race. so you might want to get rid of that..

Maybe in the future if i have the funds and enough greyling join on Altera i could start making my own town project, for Greylings only. we could then, make an ally or something, through rp obviouls as well as continuing the rebellion..
I think lightyy is planning on making a different thread for the city soon xD


The Lioness of Davia
I think lightyy is planning on making a different thread for the city soon xD
Good :]! i thought it was a good idea greylings and earthspawn together the first time i had seen this... but after reading the lore and then re-reading this it sounded so silly :p... (and belive me, this is outside what happened with me and Lightyy personally)

Eric V

Legend of Altera
(good a lot of people are taking his personal choice to leave personally, as it was decided before we made an alliance)


The Lioness of Davia
I will make a new thread , however if you read my backstory you will understand why I like greylings
I've read it already Lightyy, but you will not be the only earthspawn citizen in your city. And in general i think greylings would not go live between earthspawns who uprised against them, i can't find a real life example right now, but think about it. Would a greyling, physically weak, go live between a very angry people who could smash him to pieces(and blood etc etc).. it's rather impossible.. would all the earthspawn of the city be so friendly with greylings? i don't think so.. it screeches way too much with the lore..