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[Orc, Goblin, Lizard City] Zuk'thar

Eric V

Legend of Altera
yes but graylings are also an aggressive race, and may see a reason behind banding together with their brethren who they have fought in multiple wars with.


The Lioness of Davia
yes but graylings are also an aggressive race, and may see a reason behind banding together with their brethren who they have fought in multiple wars with.
which would be? :confused: and they are not bretheren.... the greylings created the earthspawn

Do you see that the earthspawns and greylings generally hate each other in the lore? there's no way they could live together..
And, i have a project for a greyling city already which i will post as soon as i become noble and more greylings join the server.

Eric V

Legend of Altera
please supply the link to support their hate, i have read the lore and have seen nothing of the sort.


The Lioness of Davia
please supply the link to support their hate, i have read the lore and have seen nothing of the sort.
"Earthspawn were created initially by the smaller and smarter Greylings to serve as a slave race and the vanguard for the bloodiest of battles. the problem with enslaving a race that is stronger than yours and naturally violent is that they are stronger than you and violent. It did not take long after the war for them to break the chains of their former masters and carve a place for themselves in Altera"

This part clealy states that they violentrly rioted, escaping the slavery and made their own city somewhere in a place for themselves, in Altera.

Eric V

Legend of Altera
No where does that say the races hate each other, you are reading to much into it, all it says is that soon after the war the earthspawn decided not to be slaves and left, and made a place for themselves in Altera does not imply they mae a city for themselves, it could mean they made their mark on history or even the world.


The Lioness of Davia
No where does that say the races hate each other, you are reading to much into it, all it says is that soon after the war the earthspawn decided not to be slaves and left, and made a place for themselves in Altera does not imply they mae a city for themselves, it could mean they made their mark on history or even the world.
Yes, indeed being a slave was so awesome they decided to ask to the greylings: Hey, please. We wanna go! And then the greylings: Ofc! go on and be happy not serving us anymore :D
Are you kidding? this doesn't make sense, we could call Fitz to clear this out, but i'm sure i'm not reading too much into it.

Eric V

Legend of Altera
but neither does it state they hate each other, maybe we should have fitz please this up, as it is a race to race relationship that should be carried out in the lore


Not to be off topic but black slavery in america, yes it happened but that was in the past and now both races live side by side as equals....most of the time.
Just an example xD


The Lioness of Davia
The question has already been solved, you are right Spanky :] it didn't realize how much time was passed. It will probably be for both when completed, then as my project begins i'll decide if it's better making my own one with greylings only or even earthspawns.. i'll see! two cities are always better than one xD

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Was about to mention slavery but Spark beat me to it , Black and whites live alongside each other , Im white and my dads neighbours black and we get on fine! So Easrthspawn and greylings can be the same :)

Eric V

Legend of Altera
We asked fits what the relationship was, I will link some of the information if anyway is incredibly interested.

Eric V

Legend of Altera
greylings created the earthspawn long before the exodus using dark magic. they made them as a slave race. the ES broke their chains. both races inhabit the hollows and are both violent by nature so are often at war. but as far as individuals go they are more likely to stick together on the surface for mutual benifit. G are smart ES are strong, natural allies when in a strange land.

Directly from the mouth of the glorious lore master.