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Over the Horizon Captain's Log


Lord of Altera
This is Niko's account of the voyage to the east as captain of the ship. These logs are not public and I'm only posting them to people can see what happened on the trip. Enjoy the read folks.

Captain's Log, Entry 1:

The ship has set sail and Sanardu is growing smaller and smaller. Is this a good time to mention I've never captained a ship before? Much less on its maiden voyage? I think I'll keep that under wraps. I am excited, but in all honesty I am nervous at what we'll find out here. The crew appears eager for adventure aside from a certain seasick warpriest. Gods only know what we will expect aboard this vessel.

Captain's Log, Entry 2:

The crew has encountered a blood rain storm summoned by Skraag. Podric distributed ash as quick as he could, but that did not stop the rains from sending parts of the crew into a frenzy against him. We were left with little time as the ship collided with the bulwark of a derelict. The ship dropped anchor right before we hit an isle of shipwreck's and debris- a familiar phenomena in my younger years amongst the Eyes of Silas. At this point I was made aware that the first mate of the ship had been cursed by Skraag himself and the ensuing blood rains and black storm only made the condition worse. Podric brazenly dove his plate clad body upon a drowner and I, along with several crew members dove in after the crazed priest as he sunk straight to the bottom. I suppose I can now add undoing plate armor at the bottom of the ocean to the list of my many accomplishments. By a stroke of luck we managed to retrieve his holy armor, but we had larger problems as the first mate secluded himself aboard a derelict in a bout of delusion. Twas truly a stroke of the Gods pulling strings behind the scenes as we all left the water before an undead kraken attempted to grasp the ship in grotesque embrace. The ship reversed course and we barely escaped with our lives.

Captain's Log, Entry 17:

The voyage has entered its third week across Skraag accursed ocean. We have exhausted all repair supplies and the recent acts of the Gods have led me to cut this expedition short. We have now determined why so little ships who venture out here have ever returned to the continent as the territory around these parts are heavily under the Corpse's influence.

Captain's Log, Entry 20:

The first mate has been missing for the last day. His disappearance is concerning to say the least as the ship is nowhere near large enough to disappear on. The crew remains resilient in the face of uncertainty, but I've no clue how long that will last.

Captain's Log, Entry 21:

The first mate has been found. He rested beneath my bed in a state of deep slumber. Once he awoke, the full extent of Skraag's curse was elucidated upon us. His teeth sharpened into fangs and his eyes acquired a crimson hue. His visage now resembled the vyres of yore- an old threat now seeming to be renewed. I had to resolve tensions between the blessed aboard regarding his new condition, but I am afraid these physical changes may be permanent. I have submitted a telepathic report of the journey thus far to the Capital in case this voyage does not return to port.

Captain's Log, Entry 24:

An aged and sea battered parasol was found drifting on the ocean along with a perfectly preserved barrel of Storm's Landing tobacco. That was a well needed boost to crew morale. No shipwrecks or isles were in sight so it was a mystery as to where these items came from.

Captain's Log, Entry 25:

We have found the origin of the items. Ominously cold mist graced the tops of the waters as we encountered- for lack of better words- a ghost ship. I sent away teams aboard to investigate the origins of the vessel. Wraiths remained bound to this physical place, bearing witness to a horrific act that killed the entire crew. Upon closer investigation, we discovered this was a Storm's Landing trading vessel whose crew presumably fell victim to the blood rains. I later discovered evidence that the crew was set upon by Skraag cultists and their bodies were taken to an undisclosed location in the Frontier to be turned into undead. The ship was burned ceremoniously to respect the lost souls. Unfortunately we tarried too long and the Wyvern was caught within a maelstrom. Myself and the Valiant Warpriest kept hold of the wheel eventually using the current of the storm to propel us out of it by accident. Only obstacle left before home were two massive crabs whose home we disturbed.

Captain's Log, Final Entry:

The Wyvern docked back to port in Sanardu, suffering heavy damage from the ordeal. Miraculously, the crew suffered no casualties across the entire expedition. I give credit of this feat to the formist I brought along the trip. I shall admit, I am proud to have braved the seas with this crew and it seems our adventures shan't be over yet.