Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Over the Horizon - Map Publication


Lord of Altera

Passersby within major port cities of Sanardu, Storm's Landing, Linlea, Queensport, and Blackstone catch sight of copies of a nautical map plastered across notice boards and taverns. Below the map reads short paragraph.

The captain and crew of the Wyvern wish to warn any mercantile and privately owned vessels of the newly discovered maritime territory, dubbed by the captain as "Wraith's Veil". Countless vessels along with their crew have been lost to the Soul Stealer's influence in this area. Blood rains, drowned dead, and black skies plague these waters. Avoid this area if at all possibe and heed the words of this notice lest you find yourself within the Soul Stealer's embrace.

Map Credit Niko

Assets used from Inkarnate