Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished [Peaceful] The Lady's Harvest


The Arbiter of the Gods


Harvesting season is, for the agriculturally-minded Renatan Commonwealth, a very important time in the year. It is then that the noblemen's purses get fatter, and the peasants can put plenty of food on their tables. It is also an important time for Renatus spiritually, as many believe that Sallana, often referred to as the Lady of the Noon due to a popular folk legend, is the one that blesses or curses the year's harvest. The Lady's Harvest, as the festival is known, takes place towards the end of Mistset, and this year the harvest was very plentiful. Therefore King Uriv I Astrius, the First Among the Equal invites everyone, man, woman or child to this feast, where together we will thank the Lady for her blessings this year. King Uriv announced that a hundred bales of wheat shall be sacrificed to her, to show just how well the harvest went.


When: Friday, August 28th, 7 PM BST (1 PM CDT/ 2 PM EDT)
Where: The city of Etheras in Renatus, in front of the Royal Palace
What: A festival to thank Sallana for the harvest

Planned activities: Aside from the main feast, a ring will be set up for men and women alike to box in (no weapons, only fists). You may also try your strength at arm wrestling the king himself, who in the days of his youth used to bend two horse shoes with his bare hands! Come dusk, a horse race will be held, from the Eastern Gates of Etheras to the Farms at the end of the Eastern Road.


Also looking for people for this event who would be willing to play servants for the night, provide food/drinks and such like, as well as willing minstrels and bards who'd wish to attend. I can offer a small payment. PM me for details.​
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The Arbiter of the Gods
I'm gonna postpone the event by two hours due to the lack of people online right now. I hope that's all right with everyone.