Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Player Based Event Request And Consent Thread!


Lord of Altera
Hello players one and all! Tot and Jasper here! There’s been quite the discussion lately on the activity of players and a lot of it is based around the lack of content! Well we’ve come to try and fix that!

We’re offering a strand of random events that could take place at any moment anywhere. Branching from simple muggings to full on town assaults! This thread is here to give you a chance to tell us if you’re up for it and what you’re willing to take!

Now this is also for anyone who has a possibly violent character that is looking to make some trouble! Basically a pre-consent page you could say! This could vary from attempted murder to just wanting your purse . . .

Do fill this form out if you’re interested!

Character Name:
I consent to:

Edit: If you do consent to death please do note so ahead of time . . .

If you'd like a specific event setup we will be happy to work something out with you! Just pop myself and Jazzper a private message about what you're interested in and we will do our best to supply ourselves or another associate to DM said event.
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Lord of Altera
IGN: Hiraetha
Character Name: Siv
I consent to: fight me m8 (pretty much anything.)
Suggestions: as long as she can crush ur skull with a mace

IGN: Effervescence_
Character Name: Eni'nu
I consent to: Mugging
Suggestions: kitty has claws be careful

IGN: it swaps
Character Name: Ciri
I consent to: Muggings/assaults.
Suggestions: Na.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
IGN: K9_Diarmuid
Character Name: Light Fuvur-Kav
Consent to: Anything and everything, so long as the attacker does too
Suggestions: Don't be cowardly;)



professionally deranged
Retired Staff
IGN: electricwisekid
Character Name: Althalos H. Sadin
I consent to: Injuries such as stabbing n stuff. Beatings, mugging, kidnapping, torture. Etc etc, just not death or any loss of limbs ;-;
Suggestions: [Edit: Apparently this section is for useful information.]

Althalos is peaceful until provoked. He
is a big guy who knows how to fight (and I'd guess that his appearance would relay that), so I think it wouldn't make sense for a skinny dwarf to try and rob him. I would rather have any violent RP be for some use and not just because... violence.
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The Courier

Lord of Altera
IGN: Daratrixi
Character Name: Orvar Sif Sigurd
I consent to: Absolutely everything and anything, we real life.
Suggestions: His reputation is of being 'evil', so I assume only do-gooders would like to harm him, unless there's a rather eager villain.


Lord of Altera
IGN: StarWillow2000
character name: Jessamine Noakes
I consent to: I am willing to do as rp wills but I do not wish to die or be maimed just for the sake of pleasure. I mean yeah if I do something utterly stupid that would cause it but she is normally a peaceful character who is not a fighter. she is not stupid and carries little of value and she tries not to provoke fights.. But yeah she is out alone alot and explores alot so if she runs across something it might be fun.. but please no senseless death or maiming.


Lord of Altera
I should note that for all my characters, I'm not that big of a fan of fighting rps. I'll do them, but they have to make sense in the situation. What I mean by this is if you attack them in a city that would naturally have a lot of guards in, they'd bee line it for help from them, and because of how difficult it can be to get someone to npc a guard on short notice I'd turn down the rp. Get them somewhere private and it's a different story.
IGN: Omikuji
Character Name: Kopii Grey
I consent to: As long as it makes sense in the situation, everything. I don't really want him to die unless it's a really good rp, so if you want him dead better make it a grand show.
Suggestions: Should note that Kopii is rather peaceful, and will probably not fight back. If you pick a fight with him he'll be more inclined to try and talk it out with the person then try and fight. He's also not shy of running for help, and he's got quick feets with a small target of a body. You've gotta really mess up to get him to the point he'd physically harm someone.

IGN: Roderick_Grey
Character Name: Roderick Grey
I consent to: Everything + Death, as long as I'm allowed to do it back. Also must make sense in the situation.
Suggestions: He is a monster, and if you fight him he will use every dirty tactic he has in his disposal disregarding the morality of the tactic. This includes him using poisons, setting a person on fire, passive aggressive words, and going after loved ones. Open the box with caution. Also, if you mess with his son or any of the Cerridwens, he's taking that as a personal offence. I mean he's a dye and ink shop owner, who rarely adventures, he's content to sit and bake cakes all day. Yup.

IGN: Holmcross
Character Name: Kaelin Cerridwen
I consent to: Don't do it. He's a child. At most kidnapping but even then you'd need to take it up with Alec and Immeral before me. Mean words at him are fine.
Suggestions: He's a little cinnamon bun leave him be. He's too young to be going through physical owwies. Wait till he's grown up.


Dark Council Elite
IGN: Glados__
Character Name: Sir Ned Dyer
I consent to: Everything
Suggestions: Mind the drop.


Essentially a Chihuahua
Aware Single
IGN: Cukie1
Character Name: Lillium Shink'maho
I consent to: anything that makes sense, except don't be too crazy while they're pregnant. I'm not a fan of violence for the sake of violence (orphan assassin). If you play evil well, by all means.
Suggestions: Like stated, I don't like it when there's too much harm while they're pregnant. I will accept kidnappings, basic injuries and so on, but nothing extreme to the point of killing the child. (I do very very long pregnancies, so I would get annoyed ver fast. Sorry)

IGN: Fjor_Wilkstrom
Character Name: Njorun Wilkstrom
I consent to: same as above
Suggestions: same as above. Touchy about pregnancies.

IGN: Fjor_Wilkstrom
Character Name: Anaiah Godfrey
I consent to: Anything and everything as long as it makes sense.
Suggestions: She's still young and doesn't fight all that much. Never provocative, bit if you have something against a Ranger or what have you, feel free to use her as leverage.

IGN: Cukie1
Character Name: Violet Shinkmaho
I consent to: anything and everything that makes sense
Suggestions: This one actually fights back, so it would be a bit harder. She is involved in both Moor and Anhald politics, though she's a quiet one about it. She's a loud mouth, so yeah, even psychological damage and consecuence allowed.

IGN: Fjor_Wilkstrom
Character Name: Sam Rose
I consent to: Anything and everything
Suggestions: She's in a band of pirates, what do you expect? The only one that's really 'kind' and 'sensible' she's easy leverage or just a peg to show the others.

I have too many characters, I'll add more as I remember. Also note: if you kidnap or hurt one that is a child/mother to another character, I will remain on that character until the issue is solved and will only have the child/mother know what happened once it makes sense. It falls onto others to help/ignore. My characters will not seek out punishment themselves.


Lord of Altera
IGN: BobDdoss
Character Name: Arianne Soresta
I consent to: Injuries, stabbing, mugging, kidnapping, but nothing fatal or forever debilitating
Suggestions: She is a pacifist so, it'll be fun.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Holy shit boys, you cracked the impossible puzzle of making personal events! I was struggling with my quest-on-request thingy, but you cracked the nut: To just ask people what they want and then give it to them with either other people joining in or temp chars. Amazing, I applaud you! You should be event staff xD AND get more likes on your first post cause it's quality and people tend to take it for granted.

IGN: Piratep00f
Character Name: Rahm (Faceless)
I consent to: everything, like real life, bring it on.
Suggestions: He's trying to redeem himself. Once he was close to Shalheranna, then he went crazy savage, now he's climbing his way back slowly. Any opportunity that can give him a chance to show his worth is very much appreciated! (as long as it is not direct combat, cause I generally dislike it). Just search "Rahm" and you'll find the char profile.


Lord of Altera
I knew those existed. This thread is simply pulling it all together! :heart: Makes it a bit easier if you just slap a consent thread down. Possibly making it easier for you to see if anyone needs a DM for something! We plan to DM plenty of stuff in the future but this is just for the ease of the player.
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Lord of Altera
Holy shit boys, you cracked the impossible puzzle of making personal events! I was struggling with my quest-on-request thingy, but you cracked the nut: To just ask people what they want and then give it to them with either other people joining in or temp chars. Amazing, I applaud you! You should be event staff xD AND get more likes on your first post cause it's quality and people tend to take it for granted.

IGN: Piratep00f
Character Name: Rahm (Faceless)
I consent to: everything, like real life, bring it on.
Suggestions: He's trying to redeem himself. Once he was close to Shalheranna, then he went crazy savage, now he's climbing his way back slowly. Any opportunity that can give him a chance to show his worth is very much appreciated! (as long as it is not direct combat, cause I generally dislike it). Just search "Rahm" and you'll find the char profile.
Cough cough Teeke cough Soresta Shalherana


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
IGN: Joe_12Q
Character Name: Ava Grey
I consent to: Everything
Suggestions: *shrug*
IGN: Joe_12Q
Character Name: Angelo Eberhall
I consent to: Everything
Suggestions: Heresy?

French Roast

Lord of Altera
IGN: Thalion_Rissien
Character Name: Royce Redmond
I consent to: Everything, though for anything serious I'd hope it isn't just a random attack with no reason behind it.
Suggestions: He's opportunistic but very careful, and only takes a risk if he's certain it's worth the reward. Try and trick him, that could be fun. He's only a servant, also link to his profile in my signature.


friendly neighborhood inquisitor
Retired Staff
IGN: SirLiam1124
Character Name: Ronn Holztorc
I consent to: Everything, I just ask that it's not intentionally attempting to go for kill, unless there's clear reason.

As a side note, are you guys also accepting regions into this? Ff you want to know more about what I mean, shoot le PM.


Lord of Altera
Just a note as it was brought up to me. Upon request we can bring raids to towns! You tell us where and we'll make it happen! Though we will do our best to make it 'unexpected' and somewhat random! A simple PM will do or you can add it in the app above!


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
Just a note as it was brought up to me. Upon request we can bring raids to towns! You tell us where and we'll make it happen! Though we will do our best to make it 'unexpected' and somewhat random! A simple PM will do or you can add it in the app above!
I volunteer Valerius