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Please unban me. I was trying to get more publicity for my friend's server

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Please unban me. I was trying to get more publicity for my friend's server, Jason. I didn't mean to get banned or spam... he just wanted more publicity and I tried to help him out. Please unban me. I really didn't mean to spam. :'(


Grand Lizard
Not excusable, it says in the rules to not advertise other servers. If you haven't read the rules then thats even worse...


Can't you give me another chance? I promise I won't do anything bad anymore :'(. Anyway, this was the only bad thing I did.


Grand Lizard
Well i did not ban you so its not up to me, it is a minor offense though. You will have to wait for the admin who banned you to read this.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Im not the one who banned you, but there are two possible senarios:
A) You read the rules and decided to break them anyway----->perm ban
B) You didnt read the rules and broke them---->ignorance is not an acceptable defense----->perm ban/looong tempban


King ForumStalker
If i remember right, you can talk to people advertising your server as long its with /msg or /tell right?

(this doesn't apply to him im just clarifying the rules, i know he said it in chat and i think a lenghty ban is appropriate)


Admiral of the Warstrom Fleet
Unless the admin who banned you shows up an decides otherwise, yes.

Check back in a few hours.
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