Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Poster] Fixing my family wrongs


Official Alteran


Hello, I am not that old but some things are not right that I need to fix. I am looking to become a squire when I am older. My mom taught me to protect my family and that is what I want to do. I want to save them and not run if anything happens. But I do not want to go down this path due to the route my family has taken and not fall to corruption of what is happening around me. I would prefer to meet in private due to worshipping Ignis, The Grey Lady, and Valiant. I am looking for a teacher.

OOC: Looking for around Tier 3 people for Valiant and Ignis. Estella is currently 12. I will most likely age her up soon and would like her to become a knight in the future. You can contact me through discord or on mc through whisper!​