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[Poster] In Regards to the Demonic


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff


Notices make their way around the Landing
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To the people of the Landing,

e’ve listened to your queries and concerns regarding the Demonic influx here. The council before us issued a decree that passed four new greater crimes regarding those demonically possessed. In recent light, much like many things tend to go for Altera, the stories have become a bit messier than that. Much like how we view Vyres, to be possessed in and of itself is no longer illegal, but the greater crimes of attempted summonings within the city and forcing the corruption onto another or this land still hold true.

We still advise citizens to be cautious and avoid the temptation of the demonic as we assure you the risks are not worth the curiosity, but we also acknowledge the citizens of unfortunate circumstances who did not get a say in the matter.

To those in the current fight against these forces we understand such a statement and change may not comfort you. To those, we are all open to discuss the matter further to try and ease your worries.

Asero Crow
Eliss Olliran
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