Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Upcoming [Poster] Seeking Apprentices


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*A sheet of vellum hangs from the message board in Storm's Landing. The poster is unadorned, and bears no signature.*

"I seek four to share in my study of the arcane arts. Political affiliation matters not. Those strong of spirit and wit will find favor in my selection, where those seeking only power will lack. Serious applicants only; this is not the study for those faint of heart, and failure at any stage may reap disaster.
Meet at this place upon ten day's time."

5/28/2017, 4:00 EST
This event is moderate
Last edited:


Correction, he said "I, I am very interesting" gg
pretty sure the 'yo' part is fine but maybe not
(Cant believe Im saying this :| )
Usually using yo with a verb in its conjugated form is fine. It makes it read "I am" rather than "I, I am." I can see the confusion though :p
Im done nerd is leaving now

Anyway Exciting event! Im very interested