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[Public Poster] Letter of Capture (Finished)


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
well damn
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The Mogul of Cromarcky
it isn't high priority
The letter would be posted in the following places:
+ Tambry
+ Crossroads
+ Grafjell
+ Thiil
+ Port Silver
+ Reignfall
That's quite a lot of travel time and effort to put into something that isn't a high priority. Not to mention the high chance of danger with all the undead roaming around.

I'm also not sure about the whole (Last name, if known) bit. Either your character ICly knows the wanted names or your character does not. Saying you write the last name on the paper if the last name of the person is "commonly" known is kinda a metagamy thing to do. I retract this last portion fully though if you ICly intend it to read exactly as written, and not meant for players to substitute (last name, if known) for the character's last names as it seems to appear.

Otherwise, good luck on your hunt. I may even help with that, should the prices come up in the future.


Better than sliced bread
That's quite a lot of travel time and effort to put into something that isn't a high priority. Not to mention the high chance of danger with all the undead roaming around.

I'm also not sure about the whole (Last name, if known) bit. Either your character ICly knows the wanted names or your character does not. Saying you write the last name on the paper if the last name of the person is "commonly" known is kinda a metagamy thing to do. I retract this last portion fully though if you ICly intend it to read exactly as written, and not meant for players to substitute (last name, if known) for the character's last names as it seems to appear.

Otherwise, good luck on your hunt. I may even help with that, should the prices come up in the future.
I have a bad memory. Sometimes i don't remember if i know their last name OOC or not, but i may have heard it in RP that i forgot. It's not like it matters, as.. Noone really accounts for the NPC Alterans. "There are tons of Gabes around" but it isn't like people account for that. See this. "Gabe" no last name. It doesn't matter as it should.

Also, Cymic brought everyone for dinner, and Sangria was attacked, and everyone took advantage of the consents. Cymic was ultimately killed. What a surprise.
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Guardian Of The Vibes
Server Outreach
I have a bad memory. Sometimes i don't remember if i know their last name OOC or not, but i may have heard it in RP that i forgot. It's not like it matters, as.. Noone really accounts for the NPC Alterans. "There are tons of Gabes around" but it isn't like people account for that. See this. "Gabe" no last name. It doesn't matter as it should.

Also, Cymic brought everyone for dinner, and Sangria was attacked, and everyone took advantage of the consents. Cymic was ultimately killed. What a surprise.
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The Mogul of Cromarcky
I have a bad memory. Sometimes i don't remember if i know their last name OOC or not, but i may have heard it in RP that i forgot.
Assuming you may know something ICly is a real quick accidental trip to metagame-town. If you have issues with remembering things, I highly suggest writing them down. Do believe me when I say I have the same problem and I have a long document saved online that keeps information of any and everything I think is important and when I learned them. Maybe overboard? Sure, but I keep myself out of trouble by doing so.

It's not like it matters, as.. Noone really accounts for the NPC Alterans. "There are tons of Gabes around" but it isn't like people account for that. See this. "Gabe" no last name. It doesn't matter as it should.
I really don't like this attitude, because you're essentially saying "It's okay to metagame because everyone else does." But, what's worse, is the evidence you use to say everyone is metagaming actually does a fine job of explaining who "Gabe" is. Yes, there's no last name, but let me quote to you what is there, skimming the parts not pertaining;

Today - Sunderday, 12th of Sporebloom, 2260 - a suspected criminal escaped from Greythorne Hall on The Grey Isle, and likely boarded a ship to new lands.
This fugitive is known as Gabe. She is a female human, appearing to be in her mid-teens years. Hair color a light blonde. Eye blue. Fair skinned. Clad in armor.
She is in possession of a shepherd's ax, and a dagger.

Recently, this girl was exiled from Riseport. She is said to have a connection with Victor Roichstead, a citizen there.​
Yes, correct, no last name. What do we have?
  • first name
  • race
  • sex
  • approximate age
  • hair color
  • eye color
  • skin color
  • clothes last seen in
  • items in her possession
  • two other possible leads in the form of recent home and a connection of hers.

You can see how these are very different cases, I hope. Obviously nothing to be done about it now since it's already (I assume) been posted ICly in game, I'm simply trying to point out for you and others reading how to avoid this same issue next time.
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Better than sliced bread
If only I had a nickel for every time I heard about or experienced it firsthand of you refusing to consent to death/violence/negative impacts to your character when it's in your benefit to do so.

View attachment 76340
And i've never heard of you, or your characters, how fruitful. Get off my thread, love.


Better than sliced bread
Assuming you may know something ICly is a real quick accidental trip to metagame-town. If you have issues with remembering things, I highly suggest writing them down. Do believe me when I say I have the same problem and I have a long document saved online that keeps information of any and everything I think is important and when I learned them. Maybe overboard? Sure, but I keep myself out of trouble by doing so.

I really don't like this attitude, because you're essentially saying "It's okay to metagame because everyone else does." But, what's worse, is the evidence you use to say everyone is metagaming actually does a fine job of explaining who "Gabe" is. Yes, there's no last name, but let me quote to you what is there, skimming the parts not pertaining;

Yes, correct, no last name. What do we have?
  • first name
  • race
  • sex
  • approximate age
  • hair color
  • eye color
  • skin color
  • clothes last seen in
  • items in her possession
  • two other possible leads in the form of recent home and a connection of hers.

You can see how these are very different cases, I hope. Obviously nothing to be done about it now since it's already (I assume) been posted ICly in game, I'm simply trying to point out for you and others reading how to avoid this same issue next time.
You make me happy. Oh- About the attitude bit, i meant it's more-so like those things noone is expected to account for, i.e. wibble wobble time although that's IC, people manning ships with not nearly the required amount of people it'd take IRL, and emoting every meal of the day. pyrocide


And i've never heard of you, or your characters, how fruitful. Get off my thread, love.
It's probably because I put a sincere effort into keeping my interactions with you to as little as possible.

Thanks for reassuring I'm doing it right, love. Now that's fruitful.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Oh- About the attitude bit, i meant it's more-so like those things noone is expected to account for, i.e. wibble wobble time although that's IC, people manning ships with not nearly the required amount of people it'd take IRL, and emoting every meal of the day.
metagaming != How the server handles time skips, downtime, and the role of NPCs. We are required to be accountable for how our characters gained information. This is specifically why the server has rules against metagaming. No one metagamed finding Gabe, at least as far as the poster goes, due to a detailed list of information regarding the subject. Asking people to fill in the last name of a person with no other information to go on however could be seen as metagaming. Please be careful in the future.


Lord of Altera
You make me happy. Oh- About the attitude bit, i meant it's more-so like those things noone is expected to account for, i.e. wibble wobble time although that's IC, people manning ships with not nearly the required amount of people it'd take IRL, and emoting every meal of the day. pyrocide
I'm not sure how many jabs you're throwing out there, but I can say with utmost certainty that me and my actions within this roleplay were more then well applied, and I made everything tip-top in terms of understanding everything that went down.


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
This was really fun though.
First time my character died :D
Sad that me n Jerox's plan didn't work out...