Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Purple's Application [Declined- solus]


1. SAMScar20010
2. Age 14
3. I Speak English and im in the USA
4. I play a Lot of games on steam and i love Science
5. not doing it
6.Praelidium is in snow and i like snow
Appearance: Hes in a hood and hes a Hunter
Scar Was Born in a Small Cabin in a Frost Covered Forrest and he chopped wood for his 2 other siblings Wich Cooked with mother and Traveled with my father i Grew Up to Move on in to the World
and find a place in this world


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
"I'm sorry, but your application has failed to meet the criteria listed in the application template and has been declined. Please carefully read and follow all the instructions to pass the application test."