Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Quotes Said By Your Chars That Stuck With You


Coffee Enthusiast
"I'm fine-"
"Remember all of that beauty still around you.... and rejoice in it."
"Sadness is not a weakness... it is a part of life, and we must eventually learn to live with it, accept it."


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
"I'm fine-"
"Remember all of that beauty still around you.... and rejoice in it."
"Sadness is not a weakness... it is a part of life, and we must eventually learn to live with it, accept it."
She still hasn't told him she wasn't talking about sadness, exactly.


is Barken
"Resistance is futile."
-Gelyk at least 3 or 4 times to various heretics during his time as an Inquisitor.

"May the Grey Lady judge you justly."
-Again, Gelyk, spoken before every kill.

Sigurd Selmon

Lord of Altera
"You don't have to be happy, be as miserable as you like, you just have to be you"
"I don't care how I see you... Just that I do"
-Both were from Sigurd- Funnily enough- They were both said to two different women-


"Eat up."
-Scardrac, after disemboweling a cannibal and placing the cannibal's intestines on the cannibal's face.
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Sigurd Selmon

Lord of Altera
"And if we are both dead, then I shall protect you in death, as I died doing so in life"
-Skuld Chaincreek, one of my Sundered Skies characters, talking with Valentine Hawkins after an encounter with Aeon [ @Scardrac ] that... May or may not have ended with Aeon scoring a head-shot on Skuld
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