Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Inactive Raeyna


Official Alteran


Name: Raeyna Acosta
Other Names: Tiny, Degenerate, Boy, Ray Ray, Kitten, Agate Gardenia, Glitter, Hair Mage, and Rae.
Titles: Doctor, Healer, Diplomat, and Librarian.

Age: 22
Race: Silver Elf
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual…?
Current Residence: Everywhere
Relationship Status: Courting
Social Status: Commoner

Height: 5’8’’
Weight: 131 lbs
Eye Color: Solf Silver
Skin Color: Ivory
The shape of Face: Soft-Heart
Distinguishing Features: N/A
Build of Body: Linear and Toned
Hair Color: Soft Blonde
Hair Style: Thick lush wild curls that fall down to her waist even though it is up in a ponytail, though it goes down to her knees when she has it down.
Complexion: Pale
Posture: Varies
As Seen By Others As: She is very animated with her expressions.
Scars: Find out IC.

-’Cute’ Things

-Loud Places
-Being Touched by those who she doesn't know.
-Trying New Things (She tends to push herself on that though.)


-Low Self-Esteem

-Tight dark places.
-The Unknown
-Being Abandon
-Other Things

-Her Sister

Taught how to read and write by her ‘Grandfather’ in Common and Elven. She also learned the basics of the world from him too.

Elven - Fluent
Common - Fluent

General Attitude:
Optimistic and honest.

Religious Inclination:


Cooking & Baking - 3/10
She only knows three dishes she can make without issue. The rest is...well it tastes funny.

Sewing - 7/10
Something that she does when to pass time.

Tapestry Making - 7/10
She is no painter but figured this is the closest she can be as one.

Herbology - 6/10
Every day she is learning from books, Sugar, Miss Chives, or some other form of way to how to care for plants and what they can do.

Dancing - 7/10
Something she does alone.

Singing - 5/10
At least she can hit the notes.

Harp Playing - 8/10
Something to ground her and remind her where she came from.

Healing - 7.2/10
Learning every day with books, Leofaren, and dead things.

Hand to Hand Combat - 2.2/10
She gets the gist of it, but her moves are still a bit sloppy.

Polearm Combat - 2.3/10
Keep the person at bay.

General Intelligence:
Above Average

General Sociability:
Awkward at first, but easy to get along with.

Chaotic Good

Short Term Goals:
-Make a lot of friends
-Travel the world
-Collect knowledge about various topics
-Find her place in the world
-Do well at her jobs

Long Term Goals:
-Become a Noble and start a village.
-Start a family of her own.
-Find a place to call home
-Find Out IC

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Official Alteran


Relevant Family Members:

Grandfather - “He is a monster.”

Father - “You are only your father’s shadow.”

Mother - “. . .”

Myiani’s Mother - “. . .”

Myriani Acosta - “You may think you have failed me, but you never have and you never will, my shining star.”

Romantic Interests:


Donovan - "I feel like I can reach the very top of the skies with you. Seeing the world in all its wonder and grow with you to accomplish anything."

Best Friends:

Yrdl - “I am very happy for you, very proud of what you have accomplished. We are just now very busy people. I miss you, please don’t forget me."

Quill - “I know you wish to give people a second chance...just be careful about who and how many times."

Azalea - “I wish this storm would end. I wish things were the point where I feel like I have to walk on eggshells with you. One day...maybe...I am still holding on. build what was broken."

Cherysh - “ were there for me when I really needed you. I am sorry that I didn’t reach out when I was supposed to. I still love you like a sister and I would fight to protect you if I need to.”

Damien - “I wish I can say things are alright, but they are not. I wish we could go back to a time where we laughed...and played music...I wish for a lot of things."


Elijah - “It has been a while...I hope you are doing alright. You are acting odd, but...I guess that happens when you miss someone. I am a letter away."

Kam - “I really wish to help you and your people. For all that you have done for me...I wish to do something for you. My heart is reaching towards anything to make this possible."

Ellie - “You’ve gone quiet...I feel like I have upset you. I know you have a cold nature...but honestly, I was hoping you would care. I guess it is human nature to do this. I am not sure...I just miss the smile you carried. Then again I haven’t been smiling too much either.”

Fronslin - “A man who is more than what he seems. broken...kind of like me. He worries and cares for his family and friends...and tries everything to do what is right. I feel like a lot of people use him due to this. Please continue to stand and fight. Please continue on. I am rooting for you.”

Kethron - "He seems like the type who sees the world as black and white. Simple, and aiming for the stars all at once. I am unsure if I can reach out to him fully. I feel like he doesn’t believe me. Though I will still learn from him and hope things will get better."

Raigo - “They say to never trust a pirate or an ex-pirate. However, I trust you. You have a good head on your shoulders and for a really old guy, you are pretty cool to talk to. I wish we could talk more...I also can’t wait to meet your child one day. When it is born of course."

Joseph - “I wish you weren’t so busy. I would love to sit and chat more with you. Learn from each other and reach a higher understanding. I am also very happy that Cherysh and you are together. Please take good care of the Moose Knight."

Leofaren - "Your words really mean a lot to me. I learn from what you give and I hope to make you proud. I feel like one day, when I am well versed in things, I can perhaps work alongside you."

Kitrana - "My heart breaks for you, but I know you can accomplish anything."

Raalvara - "You say I am a lifebringer...that I matter...though from what I have seen, you are a mountain. And last time I checked, mountains do not fall. They tower over everything and prevail."

Aryn - "A very nature-istic Silver Elf young one. I wish I could tell him my theories on what I believe is balance. Perhaps soon. When things are less...chaotic."

Gerry - "He ‘sees’ or feels my feelings. In the small amount of time of knowing him, I learned that perhaps ‘home’ isn't a place...perhaps it is something more."

Connor - "Curious fellow with a good heart. He always searches for the truth on things and despite being very kind, he doesn’t allow others to walk on him. At least from what I have seen."

Milah - “If you dance in the fire, I shall dance with you."

Rowley - “We barely know each other, however we have been through a lot together. You have seen the darkness inside me and yet have not pushed me to the side. For that and other reasons, we are friends."

Ballard - “For a man who had many doubts, you are doing well. I can only watch afar. I hope you are happy."

Kopii - "I learned that the world isn’t as it seems. That books are not as inspirational, and that people are people. I hope to learn more from you. I hope to also make you proud one day and be able to protect people I care and love in my own way. Be useful to make the world a better place."

Jorven - "Please don’t break...please...and if you break, I will try to help you to fix you up."

Kyri - "If only I had found you quicker. I...I am sorry. I am so very sorry. Just...just hang in there. You are safe now...we can fix this. You are not alone."

Respected - Family Orientated:

Ayda - “You saw my dreams and offered to make it come true. I know to not be as confident and to be reserved. The last part I am working on. I hope I can help you as you have helped me. You gave me a home...a real introduced me to what a family should be like...and showed me many things. Thank you.”

Cassian - “You often test me. I am not sure if it is deliberate or not. I just hope to never really upset you. I respect you and trust what you say and do. You also were the one who taught me to keep doors closed. Some doors locked uptight, and that not everyone needs to know secrets. Ah, and to clean up after people.”

Sugar - “I am sorry. I didn’t know she wasn’t going to tell you yet. I wish to work with you more and get to know you. You seem to understand things and seem very calm. Also thank you for letting me rest when I needed it the most. As well as saving me time and time again.”

Azgir - “He grunts a lot, but has the moves on the dance floor that can shake the house. Literally. He is also very funny and very nice. I wish I could know him a bit better, at least I know he gives good hugs.”


Richard - “I think he has the feels for Saoirse.”

Crow - "I am not sure what to think of you fully. I just know you are a merchant who owns a city and is married to Laisa."

Laisa - "I wish there was a way to help you. Though I know I am not the one to do that. I just hope the best for you and your family."

Bennet - “One of Raalvara’s kids...he is adorable...and I worry about him.”

James Varyn - "It is hard to say how I feel about him. It…is hard to say anything about the situation."

Alu - "I almost stabbed him. Cherysh's father."

Brother Kuuhtaz - "He is one of the best!"

Mozzie - "So serious, but kinda adorable. I am sure he is going to do great things and he is very strong! I wish to give him a purpose."

Urzie - "She is adorable and daughter to Kam."

Elizabeth - “I honestly am not sure what to think of her. She offers protection, and tries to get to know me, is awkward with other subjects. At least I know I am not Jishrim cursed like the others think I am."

Ardaric - "He may like sandalwood tea, but seems like a wholesome person. Despite wanting to have my special dagger."

Kat - "Cute red-head who is a lot like me when it comes to the hair."

Jaden - "He is nice. He acts like a normal dad would act. Which is kind of silly at times."

Sigmund - "I can't believe I made a prince dance...He hears reason."

Jane - “Newly sparked Formist Vesti. She is ambitious with the support of her family and friends. Very adorable despite her colorful words."

Aymer - “Hmn, he can play the flute well. He may like my sister though.”

Fern - “She had her baby! And her daughter looks so precious."

Karsten - “Despite playing tricks on are a pretty cool person. You treat your family well and I hope that all good things come to you and yours."

Niko - “Spunky man who nearly ditched a toddler for not having a room. He is interesting and teaches Azalea.”

Thomas - "He is funny and quite the charmer in his own way."

Auriel - "You saved me and I am grateful."

Count of Eldpoint - "Hmn."

Aspen - "Interesting calm fellow."

Randal - "You did the right thing."

Ashna - "Blessed by Lady Grey, she seems alright."

The Brib People - "Cute, ambitious, pretty gliders."

Bliss - "Kyri’s one and only. She and her brother are the only things good from their father."

Podric - “Zealous fellow who is nice. Though he has a temper and does /not/ like Tidebornes. He is trying to find a way in life while raising Cassandra’s child.”

Charoite - “Auntie to Damien and Donovan. She is fun with her tricks and all.”

Thryss - "She is an interesting person. She can stand up on her own and teaches me how to punch people."

Greis - "He is a sweet guy who likes to smith and gave me my first armor and weapon."

Thordil - "HE ANSWERED MY LETTER! He also gave me my second armor."

Olga - "Cute Dwarfess with a lot of spunk."

Miss Chives - "Fellow healer and herbalist! I wish to learn a lot from her...she said I was one of her best makes me blush."

Dara - "She is alright."

Saoirse - "Northern woman who I connected with rather easily. She is a great helper and I hope she finds a place to call home."

Elwin - "Odd kid, but he helps."

Katherine - “Duchess in the making…Kind, but cautious.”

Wolfgang - “Young regent…”

Clement - “Awkward young person human...yeah.”

Peter - “Seems like a nice person. He got hurt really badly and I helped him.”

Asher - “Young Count...he is a bit...troublesome. Killed his cousin for land.”

Cymic - “It has been a while but I haven’t forgotten..."

Karn - “Hmn.”

Eimar - “It is...complicated..."


Sydri - “I try to like you and try to help you...I have saved your life and this is what you do. I am trying to be reasonable with you. Clearly that went out the window a long time ago. You want to protect your family and friends? Well so do I. Not my fault your friends tend to be bad people.”

Schmidt - “You threaten to kill a man and when you are given the opportunity to do so, you turn into a victim...not to mention you like to mock people when they are in pain. You are unable to take responsibility for what little self-control you have.”

Southgate - “You are odd. I was touching your guts and you were still talking and cursing people. You also tortured Laisa.”


Branko - “Hypocrite. Helping Bok’ra kidnap people.”

Broodmother aka Cassandra - “Many may have wronged you, wronged many as well.”

Heseya - "You make harlots blush."

Cedlas - "Just why? What is your purpose for existing? You do know a mercenary is a person hired to kill right? It isn’t and won’t make you a good person."

Strange - “Glad you are dead.”

Andre - “Hmnnnnnnnnn.”

Bok'ra - "Your existence is disappointing."

Maryann - "Why?"

The Army of Kilrox Cultist - "Your leader, E...I have to meet him."

James McGuffin- “Liar.”

Amathion/Merc/The Mercenary - “Follower of a liar. A hypocrite.”

Wary Of:

Everyone Else - “People are scary and unpredictable beings.”

OOC Note: Keep IC, IC and OOC as OOC pls and ty. :heart:

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Official Alteran
-== Art ==-

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