Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Ravana: The Lady of the Night [WIP]


Lord of Altera

General Info:
Name: Ravana Reyna
Nicknames: Athena
Age: 19
Birthday: Dead of Winter
Race: Human - Vyre
Gender: Female
Social Status: Depends on who's asking
Current Residence: Storm's Landing and elsewhere
Previous Places of Residency: Queensport
Occupation: Socialite
Previous Occupations: N/A

Illnesses: Illness that seemingly kills her appetite.
Injuries: N/A
Healed Injuries: Deep bruises on back
Memory: Keen
Eating Habits: Low and intense
Energy Levels: Average
Exercise Habits: She's on her feet most days, all-day
Sleeping Habits: Deep sleeper

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130lbs
Distinguishing Features: Red eyes, thick raven curls
Build of Body: Hourglass figure
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: A deep, true black
Hair Style: Long and curly, precise natural curls, bouncy
Scars: Her neck has faint scars crossing about
Voice: Sickly-sweet and confident

General Attitude: Judgemental
Religious Inclination: Inclination to Skraag by association
General Intelligence: Average, very thoughtful
General Sociability: Extrovert
Appears: Seductive
What She Hides: Her craving for attention

Likes: Blondes, luxurious dress, oddness
Dislikes: Knights, Nobility, Idiots
Fears: Being Alone
Strengths/Good Traits: Loyal, Tough
Neutral Traits: Determined, Seductive, Open
Weaknesses/Bad Traits: Vanity, Needy
Values: Learn IC
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Languages: Common {Fluent}


C - Complete
I - In Action
A - Abandoned

Short Term Goals:
* Grow closer to fghty {I}

Long Term Goals:
* Find "Little Kitten"


A collection of noble-like dresses styled tight. She's never about without her black cloak. Her hair always falls in bouncing black curls, a hand rushing through them constantly.

1615506606313.png~ RELATIONSHIPS ~
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Khroroth Kharastein ~ "I will devote myself to serving you, m'Lord." BoredBrit

Rolland ~ "Sweet and rough, absolutely delectable." Fry

Ragnar ~ "Running from the sight of a little blood dear?" Sekci

Raziel ~ "I so wish your loyalty laid in better pastures little one." sneff24

Sophie Velour ("Little Kitten") ~ "The dearest blonde, I will find you once more." Lovelyninja567

Astreia ~ "Let's meet at dusk once more my darling~" Ressplendent

Isla ~ "My proudest catch thus far, but to not admit your weakness would expose my own." Fluffy Bristle

Bellamy ~ "Our exchange of passion was a treat I hope to savor once more." JustTheEngineer

Bok'ra ~ "Your attitude is playfully repulsive." Retro Hagrid

Branko ~ "Fear my beauty, love, it's alright." Kostadim

Amund ~ "Do I amuse you?" Luam

Thure ~ "Noble, shmobile." kaiser_harding

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