Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Re-Rhynestone application


1.Mineraft Username: Rhynestone
2.Real name: Anika
4.Gender: Female
5.Country: Canada
6.Have you read the Tome of Citizenship?: Yes.
7.How do you feel about the roleplay aspect of pur server? Do you have any experience roleplaying?: I quite like roleplaying and I have a bit of experience with roleplaying server, I used to play a bit of Wow.
8.Hello, my name is Anika (aka Rhynestone). I love reading fiction and playing minecraft( Most of the time I tinker with redstone). I like to listen to most music and drawing. I do not like to disapoint people. I get strait to the point(Most of the time, and or if I can).
In the summer I train for sport activites. In my spare time I like to hang out with my friends, and play minecraft! I am here to enjoy minecraft at its best, and have fun.
9.Example of some work: I dont have picture, sorry 'bout that
10.Is there anything you would like to share?: No not really, I think you cover just about everything I can think of.
11.Are you aware that Black magic is not allowed on our server, and can get you banned? Yes.
12.How did you find our server?: I was lookiing around for servers and found this one. I think its quite nice.
13.Have you vated for us?: I will as soon as I can!
Thank you​