Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Reaper_Ownz - Application Approval.1


1. Your Minecraft username: Reaper_Ownz

2. Your real name: Lewis

3. Age: 13
4. Gender: Male

5. Country: Uk

6. Have you read the Tome of Citizenship or agree to do so before signing into Hollow World for the first time? Yes, I have read it and fully UNDERSTOOD what your server and Mods/Admins approve.

7. How do you feel about the 'roleplay' aspect of our server? Do you have any experience roleplaying? If im being honest, I haven't had any past experience's with 'Role-Playing' but if Im around people that are talented at it, it won't be hard to get my head around it and know what to do.

8. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, your interests / hobbies and why you are here in 8 sentences or more. Hi, My name is Lewis Calvesbert, Im from the UK, England (Blackpool to be specific). My interest is to be a good Role-Player and to get to know people on different Minecraft Server and other games etc. My personal hobbies, I like to play Football (Matches every Sunday), Also School, I aim to get high level GCSEs when I leave to get a good job and bring up a family, I also am a big fan of Gaming, I have been Gaming for a good solid 2 years, I haven't got a incredible Gaming PC but making myself a custom built Gaming PC for around £800. I am here to get into more Gaming, be social with all different kinds of people that love Gaming aswell. (Not 8 sentences but that is all I have to say).

9. If you have examples of your work please attached them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video. I sadly don't have any single-player photo's or files of my work, I do watch alot of Minecraft video ( Ihascupquake, Pbat, Paulsoaresjr, Slyfox, MCWB) I do know how to build project and shoore with some help from other player it shouldn't be hard to build frequently amazing projects.

10. Is there anything else you wish to share with us? Yes, How long has your server been going/been up for, and what are you plans in the future E.G. More servers, bigger community?

11. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xray,xray texture packs and ore locator mods) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense? Yes, I personal don't use any texture pack just the default Minecraft one, and don't use any mods on single-player or online(To Be Honest don't know how to install them).

12. How did you find out about our server? As I said, I want to get more into Gaming and social with more Gamer's, I search on good, 'New Minecraft Servers 1.0.0' and this came up: and I strolled though and found your server(UK and Online Perfect!)

13. Have you voted for us? Yes, I voted for you before I did this application
Thanks for reading my application, I hope it gets approved