Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Poster +Reevaluate+


Lord of Altera
To those that bring it upon themselves to blindly follow the beliefs of another solely based within one realm of thought.
To those that harbor an extreme loathing towards another group for their ignorance.
To those who think they are the hero of some epic legend.
To those who wage wars for petty, fickle reasons.
I ask you to re-evaluate the reasons for what you do. What are the reasons you take up arms to go and march to others to take their lives? Do you even have proper rationalizations? Or are they just some opinion that is shared amongst your peers?
If the reasons are enough for you to abhor your fellow man, then so shall it be. Have your hatred flow as blood freshly comes from their wounds you may inflict upon them.
But, if you find they are only trivial, then I ask you to bring it upon yourself to forget, and move forward.
Take a moment and reevaluate.
This poster hangs in Storm's Landing. It will be there eventually OOCly.


Lord of Altera
Unless rules are stated otherwise to tear this down, a singular note is placed aside of it.

"Should daunting odds belaid against that which is your own blood- strike them down akin to a demon. This is a simplified public announcement to the above."

*an arrow points to the poster*


Lord of Altera
If I really need to clarify this, it's up for in character interpretation.