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Lord of Altera
Posters like these are put up wherever it is permitted..
To those affected by the wars plaguing this continent...

Know that the Asrakosian Dominion welcomes you with open arms to our humble town of Astrakhan. Refugees will be given shelter, food, treatment for their wounds, as well as temporary citizenship so that they may enjoy the same benefits that comprise citizens of the Dominion.

As preparations for peace with the Albionite Kaiserreich are being made, the Asrakosian Dominion will not be taking sides in the Sangria-Fuvur War or the Hawklight-Anhald war. Instead, the Basileos asks that either side keep their fighting away from their land, so as not to interrupt any humanitarian aid processes carried out by the government.

Festivals and general celebrations will be held throughout the duration of the wars as a way of staving off the unhappiness that all too often accompanies conflict. As such, all are welcome to attend so long as they come peacefully and without armament of any kind. All armies involved in the conflict may pass through or around Astrakhan, but they must do so swiftly and without disturbing the locals. The Basileos will gladly extend medical services for wounded soldiers, but because many of our resources are going to help the inevitable influx of refugees, he cannot guarantee immediate care.

Citizens have been permitted (and encouraged by way of possible rewards) to take in any refugees found wandering the forested outskirts of the Dominion. Armies seeking passage must ask the Basileos’ permission before entering- violation of this act will result in a variety of penalties.

This declaration will go into affect once the treaty with Valerius has been signed, upon which there shall be a notice.


Inspired by Baron and a rather sudden jaw ache that’s keeping me up, I’ve decided to capitalize on Astrakhan’s general bounty of resources to help characters who are perhaps trying to not get caught up in their country’s war. Obviously, this offer of refuge only applies to citizens of the countries at war, not their armed forces- so don’t expect anything but medical services for soldiers- not a supply line refill or something like that.

The rules are simple, by the by.

- Please don’t go to Astrakhan seeking trouble. If you want CRP, there will be plenty of bandit events, but don’t make us fight another war. Theo will deliberately avoid going to any of the warring countries simply so his faction doesn’t step on any toes. We are and will not be involved in this war in anything but a neutral, humanitarian capacity.

- Refugees (basically any characters that don’t want to be around the warzones) should PM me so we can start a fun escort event where we might get interrupted by bandits, bears, or have to treat injuries, or interesting stuff like that.

- Yeah, no, that’s it. Enjoy your stay! :)

Tagging the fam and giving you guys a note. PM me on skype or here if you have questions or complaints.

Leo will be in charge of entertaining the refugees while all of this goes on- distracting them from the bad news. AmparoCastaway
Antonides will help escort refugees to Astrakhan. Old-Seadog
Violet will be helping give out treatment to the wounded and Carling will probs be asked to make a bunch of blankets for those in shock. MelodyComplex
Juls will help distribute supplies and keep track of what we need (housing, food, etcetera. We can do an event in which we go and find more stuff from a willing supplier) Sir Arc

Theo will be helping Antonides and Violet in their respective duties as well as generally overseeing the logistics with Juls. We need to meet or come to some sort of decision ICly, just to finalize this stuff though.
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