Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Upcoming Religious Discussion: Shalherana (public,date TBD)

Legendary Fiction

It took a lot to get here
Truce Soresta invites any interested in talking about Shalherana and her doctrines. This is less of a sermon and more about understanding and interpreting and reasonings behind what the goddess wants her devoted to do and how to live.
There will be food! Bring something for the shrine if you can.
This shall take place in the shrines to the southeast of Storm’s Landing. Date to be determined.

Held by: Truce Soresta
Pantheon shrines se of SL

This is a bit similar to her last one, but more will be discussed, and better planned.

Tagging people that may be interested:
HoneyRecord ToastySpam RagingLunacy Bobert Lannis Elz