Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Ren Xeden Tanor


Name: Renis Xeden Tanor
Nickname/Alias: "Ren"
Age: 22

Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5'8
Weight: 176 Pounds
Hair: Short light reddish brown hair
Eyes: Soft brown eyes, that could calm the agriest of people
Skin: Light Brown
Identifying Marks: A small inconspicous red tatoo of a star on the back of his hand
Appearance: Slightly muscular build, has a confident stride and scratches behind his ear when he begans to feel uncomfotable or nevous.
Strengths: Speaking, some academics, and farming
Weaknesses and fears: Spiders and creepers
Religion and cults: none
Profession: None at the moment (but is good at farming)
Bio: (Soon to come)