Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Poster Researchers of the Depths sought after.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff

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Pamphlets are placed near places of study and research. Where a likeminded scholar might find them.

To the aspiring practitioner of the arcane, we offer you a place, the resources
and supplies to conduct research in the safety of secrecy and shadow.

Also, to the regular practitioner of the sciences and knowledge, we offer
these same resources.

For your cooperation in the findings of knowledge and the sciences of the world, whatever the source, we will also offer payment of the highest regard.

Seek us out, if you have an interest.

An ornate, zoological symbol of a spiral-like snake with multiple reflecting scales is placed here.
It is surrounded by what seems to be depicted as the depths of the oceans.

The symbol of
Reflection's Truth.
