Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased [Revenant] Archaeus Fronte


Yū Yi
Azhtet's spine

Without that you won't be able to stand~

I agree, but the logic can be used to much... as nearly every part of our body is useful in different ways ^^

Azhtet's right foot

Without that he wouldn't be able to move forward

Azhtet's eyes and ears

I believe I have seen and hear this before (get it? ;) ), but you could say that this was your soruce of information and someone you trust to give right information


Lord of Altera
Just a little critique regarding:
Strengths: Very good swordsman, having trained since his very young days, since literally his first ability to hold a blade. His father was a commander of the royal armies of his homeland, and he had access to some of the best tutors. Later in his life, he was taught by several of the most legendary and revered swordsmen in his former land, training to become a Hospitaller Knight. As a king, he also had access to great tutors to help him perfect his art. He has become quite skilled with clawed gauntlets and other hand-to-hand combat equipment.
From the Roleplay Guide:
Past roleplay development from other servers or games and bringing it to our server is not acceptable. We prefer you start a fresh character to begin your development.
Anyway, a main point we try to keep strong here is that people cannot inherit mastery in any skill from their backstory, it's unfair to any player that's gone through them properly in RP. They can know/learn basics of skills, but not master them. It helps to stop anyone joining and instantly being able to pwn the strongest fighters in the server :p


Dark Council Elite
Just a little critique regarding:

From the Roleplay Guide:

Anyway, a main point we try to keep strong here is that people cannot inherit mastery in any skill from their backstory, it's unfair to any player that's gone through them properly in RP. They can know/learn basics of skills, but not master them. It helps to stop anyone joining and instantly being able to pwn the strongest fighters in the server :p

This at this point is more simply... character history, as I have been devoting tons in game RP to the training of his various objects, thus allowing for him to be as good as he is. I do see the point you're making though~