Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Rhoir Turash (ronnoc68 character profile)


Name:Rhoir Turash
Age:Estimated 19, but not completely sure
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hair:Golden with strands of amber
Skin: Peachish white (on the paler side)
Identifying Marks: There is a large scar in the middle of my chest.
Appearance: Serious, tall, fit. Also very intelligent.
Strengths: Intelligence, creation of potions, and the use of magic.
Weaknesses and fears: My weaknesses are people who are smarter than me (almost nobody) and
my worst fear is death
Religion and cults: N/A
Profession:I actually am studying light magic, and alchemey at the moment.
Well, now you know a few things about me, but this is my life story.

It all started one fine evening on my dairy farm, back at my home. It was a bright normal sunny day, when it happened. I was helping my mother milk the cows, when we heard a call from a room in our farmhouse, it was my father, he had called my mother over and she said to stay there and wait for her return. But when she didnt come back I worried I waited another 15 minutes until I went to go find her. I ran inside to find her laying dead on the kitchen table. I was horrified, but I didnt know what to make of the situation. Then I saw my father... he was standing over me with a large knife, and was staring down at me, he said nothing he just took me and shoved the knife right into my chest cavity. While still concious I saw my father run off in the direction of a nearby farm, I have never heard from him since. I was lying there next to my mother she dead I barely alive, when suddenly I heard a loud strange noise from outside and it was getting closer. I saw a few strange men standing there and performing some sort of ritual, I am guessing it was what saved my life. I passed out and woke up in a sanctuary. I wondered if they saved my mother but they told me it was too late. I also asked where I was and they said, the mages guild. It was a place for conjourers of magic including types such as light magic, necromancy ect. The only thing that was forbidden in this place was black magic, the high mages believed it was too powerful and nobody not even them could handle it. So these men taught me the ways of necromancy I studied for years but never became very good at it at all. Then one day some young bold mage, practiced the use of black magic. He released a firey hell demon on the sanctuary. I tried to help defend but my master ordered me to leave and so I ran. I eventually found myself in the city of uthrandir. I learned that this was a campus and a school for the studies of magic and alchemy. I took hold here and am now living peacefully in content with all of its great citizens and students.