Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[RP] Weapons Design And Manufacturing


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"Armaments" isn't the proper term. More so, a platform in space that is designed to drop nukes upon command.



Magus of Nothing

The Sultanate of Shisha has increasing Military spending, and we have invented this;

The Tactical Epidermis Penetration Device, also known as the 'knife'.

It is widely available, and is allowed to be carried by everyone, any age.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Gauss Rifle.jpg
Closest thing I could make to a Gauss Rifle.
They dont really look like this though.
Theres a lot more wires and a lot less bad arsery


Magus of Nothing
The Shisha Laser Cannon, is currently under testing. Our test subjects have so far only suffered major limb loss!


Lord of Altera
Light Assault Pack for Military
Top - Standard Procedure Silenced Assault Rifle (SPSAR)
Left - Silence Automatic Pistol, Glock G16 (SAP G16)
Right - Hand Cannon Grenadier (HCG)

(I messed around with this a lot :p)

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
The Dictatorship of Lightfoot island has decided to release documents showing their current special ops weapon and a new one in production:

The top is the Skek-808 a silenced fully-automatic assault rifle used by special ops,
Under is the Tark-1210K a new assault rifle in production that will hopefully replace the Skek-808



Lord of Altera
With my new nation where the elderly are highly looked after, there needs to be a way to get rid of all those pesky leaders who are trying to mess up our country. Say hello to the NS30 silenced sniper rifle:


The military need some basic gear also:


Top Left: NS80 Assualt Rifle
Top Right: NS12 Fully Automatic Sub-Machine Gun
Bottom Left: The standard knife
Bottom Right: "The Demo" NS-EA (Explosive Amunition)


Lord of Altera
The DSC-A2 Multi-Purpose Rifle, produced abroad of course... we get our weapons for free in exchange for humanitarian aid. myweapon-2.jpg


Lord of Altera
The nation of Volopia (mine) provides its soldiers nothing more then a uniform, training, handgun, and a larger then normal paycheck and they buy weapons from our leading arms industries.


Lord of Altera
The Crastion Islands: G9 Tactical Grenade gun (Known to the Riot Police as the Devils Trumpet)
Employs small Grenades in rapid succession to provide covering fire in urban environments

Mounted on a emplacement it is fed grenades to suppress the enemy while a strike team maneuvers around to dispatch them at the flank, though effective ammo is exceedingly expensive as the launcher (with a effective re loaders can output 30 grenades minute)
Also employs a targeting laser
