Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Rulls's Application [Declined - Jase]


1. What is your Minecraft username?
(New players can only use one account to begin with, so please don't list any alt accounts. You can apply for an alt account after being here for one month.) Rulls

2. How old are you?
(Please note that the minimum age to take part on the server is 14. Due to the era of the role play there are some more mature themes which may not be suitable for anyone younger. We can't be held responsible should you choose to lie about your age.) 19

3. What country are you from?
(HollowWorld is an English speaking server. People from around the world are more than welcome to join us and take part provided that they do their best to use a good standard of written English both in game and on the forums.) The USA.

4. Have you read the King's Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides yet?
(There, you can find information about how our server is run, as well as the playable races.) Yes.

5. In your own words, how would you define metagaming and powergaming?
(It is important to understand what these terms are and why they are bannable offenses in any roleplaying community.)

Powergaming - Powergaming is where you preform an action that out rules your opponent and doesnt let them respond fairly. Ex - He'd punch him so hard that Josh would fling into the air landing miles away Another form of power gaming is forcing another character to participate in certain activities and events. An example would be *He'd pull Josh into the dark building tying him up to the chair.

Metagaming - Metagaming is where you share information about roleplay outside of RP. Ex - I would text Josh on discord saying we are getting raided. This mostly consists of people talking to others outside of the server like on discord, snapchat, etc and telling them important information about roleplay that they wouldn't of known without being told OOC.

6. Do we allow X-Raying mods or X-Ray texture packs on the server?
(This question goes for any method that can be used to unfairly find and mine ores.) No, as they promote unfair advantages.

7. Name one of our current Mentors.
(Mentors are designed to help you get used to the server; you can see a list of our current Mentors and what they can do for you under 'Code of Conduct!' [x].) Niko

8. Tell us about yourself!
(Introduce yourself! Tell us some of your hobbies, what kind of music you like, other games you play, maybe any pets you have. We're not asking for anything too personal, but we would like to get to know you a bit better to help the application and transition. This question needs to be a minimum of five sentences and not focused on Minecraft.) I'm into many hobbies and activities outside of Minecraft. One of these is volleyball. I enjoy playing the sport very much, and consider it my main hobbies. I play for a team based around my area and I love playing with them. Another activity I enjoy doing is traveling. I love traveling, as it lets you see the world farther than your local area. Some of my favorite places I have visited are Peru, France, and Brazil.

9. Do you have any examples of your work?
(This question is optional! Are you an artist? A builder? A writer? If you want to show off some of your work, we'd love to see it! You can upload a file at the bottom of the page to attach some pictures if you like! If you don't have anything you want to show, that is perfectly fine. Don't worry.)

10. Did anyone refer you? If not, how did you find our server?
(This question is also optional. If you were referred by someone, that person has a chance to get a referral reward.)

About Your Character!
This section is about the character you intend to use once you join the server.We ask that new players follow these guidelines during this portion of the application:
  • Characters begin with basic skills and gear. No advanced armor or weaponry. Skills and abilities are appropriate to a novice level. Skills should be learned through roleplay, not through backstory.
  • Characters fit the lore. If you choose to play as a Moor Elf, for example, we expect appearance and details to be fitting with base lore.
  • Characters cannot use magic in any way. The test itself should not mention magic either. HollowWorld uses a restricted magic system and it is only accessible to those who find and learn from a teacher in-game.
  • Tests should not be violent. No murder, killing, death, torture. In the past, 8 out of 10 applications featured characters fighting off bandits or slaying passersby. We don't want to see how well you can script a fight scene. We want to see how well you can tell a story, how well you can roleplay.
  • Be creative and be original. Do not use tests/characters whose home villages were burned, parents murdered, and then set off to be an orphan assassin. It has been done before. Please don't do it again.
  • Written portion of the test is required to be a 400 word minimum. If the test doesn't meet the minimum, Staff may ask you to extend the test before the application is considered.
You can remove the guidelines above when you're copy and pasting the application. The instructions above are for you to read and can be removed when applying.

Character Name:
(Be mindful of the Medieval Fantasy theme when choosing your name.) Roland Pierson.

Character Age:
(Simple enough!) 22.

Character Race:
(Have a look through our Playable Races! Here's a helpful Guide!) Human.

(We just want to make sure things like hair color, eye color, skin color, and clothing is all fitting for the setting/lore we have.) Roland has smooth brown hair with a faded blue eye-color. He often wears semi-formal attire. He is fully caucasian.

(Optional) Picture of the Skin:

104569(Attach a picture here if you have one. If you don't have an image, that's fine. Just make sure you describe it well in the appearance section.)

Written Test!
(This is where you tell us a story of your choosing! Be creative. It should be 400 words minimum and use the character you've created above. This is what we use to judge your ability as a roleplayer. Show us how much you've learned by reading our guides and lore. Include anything you think will impress us!)
Roland Pierson grew up in Dunsgate. His childhood mostly consisted of him and his parents. Mother mostly, Roland's father was never really there for Roland, or when he needed his father. At the young age of 7, his father died. Didn't come as much of a surprise to Roland since his father was a hardcore alcoholic. His mother on the other hand was devastated. His mother quickly grew depression and no longer was there for Roland. Soon later at the age of 9, Roland's mother committed suicide. When Roland found her that devastating day, everything went down hill...

At the time, Roland lost most of his friends in and out of church. He quickly got depression and turned to other methods for healing. A common thing Roland would do is do drugs. He didn't find a will to live anymore. Roland got very close to suicide, but he knew things would hopefully get better. It didn't get better for a while. His drug addiction quickly became worse, and he began to hang out with the wrong group of people. Being influenced by these mischievous people, Roland committed many bad things. Life for Roland was like this until...

Roland was walking down town square on his way to acquire more drugs. While passing a street, someone called his name. He began to head down the street to see what the commotion was about. He gets pulled into this building, lit with only 1 candle. The figure says "Roland... I have been watching you. You have been messing with the wrong people, and doing the wrong stuff. Change yourself" Roland was not sure what just happened, but it caused a spark for him. He finally found the motivation he was looking for in life, and he was... excited. From then on out, Roland became a good person. He found himself working in a tavern, making new friends, and even found a girlfriend. He was excited on what was going on, and he is ready to see where life takes him.


"Something need doing?"
Hey Lightnangs!
Thank you for your application, unfortunately, there is one thing that I am going to have to get you to look at before I can whitelist you-
  • Your written test is a little bit short of the 400 words minimum! Please also try to steer clear of the dead-parent cliche as well. But other than that- I really like what you have going on here, and I look forward to seeing what you can add to the story!
Once you have made the appropriate edits, please post again in this thread so I can see that you have made changes!