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{Sallana} Divine Passives


Events Staff
Very Sweet
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Divine Passives
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Those who become Blessed by their Divine will be able to choose from a selection of passives, able to pick one aesthetic and one quirk at each rank of the divine system. These choices are not able to be changed once chosen and applied, and should be written on your divine profiles. Some are not available until T3, and Exalts do not gain one from this thread upon hitting Exalted - That is a custom passive to be discussed with the divine team.

These aesthetics and quirks are available to all tiers of the divine system. You may choose one of each at each rank-up from tiers one through four.​
][ Their body shifts to be more subtly beautiful in a manner they deem fitting, and they find themselves graced with a natural affinity of dance.​
][ The eyes take on a ring of color about the pupil thematic to their Divine, intensifying in spellcasting or heightened emotional states.​
][ Their fingers or hands glow a color thematic to Sallana under certain circumstances, such as playing instruments, creating art, dancing, etc. They give off an aura of comforting warmth when doing these acts.​
][ Their hair and skin changes, both always healthy with hair fuller, and skin softer. Hair can become either entirely white, entirely red, or gain streaks/strands of these colours instead in a style aesthetically pleasing to the player.​
][ Divine markings thematic to their divine form (in color as well as design) upon the body. This can be as simple as bands around the wrists, or an entire intricate design across the back, left up to the player. Optionally, these markings may glow faintly in colours of their divine.​
][ Their voices become more alluring, more confident, making for excellent singers, poets, and public speakers.​
][ With a gesture, they can will their clothing into appearing as any sort of lavish variant of the existing clothing. Armour may change into a version with fancy gold embellishments, dresses may appear as an item of higher quality and of a finer material such as silks. They should be in line with Sallana’s themes/colours, but at player discretion. If removed, clothing will return to its usual state.​
][ With the touch of their hand and a moment of concentration, they may change the contents of small containers(cups, tankards, etc) to change into any type of drink found served at Harvest, such as wines, ciders, or fruit juices.​
][ With the brief clap of the hands or the motions of a dance, they can summon music to softly play within RP chat range for the next hour so long as they are present - as if they are the source of the sound (the music will move with them). It can be of any tempo or style, and may optionally include the gentle falling of rose petals of a colour thematic to Sallana. They will disperse after the hour.​
][ With a touch, they can restore any thematic plant or flower to full health so long as its affliction is mundane (rot, disease, wilted, etc). They can similarly will petals or stalks of wheat into their hands.​
][ They can summon forth a dove or songbird that brings with it a mundane flower. It can be willed to make its own song, or do simple actions (rest on shoulder, pick up a small item, so on). Cannot be used in any sort of combat, and disperses into rose petals if pulled out of a 10b range from the blessed. Can be two active at a time.​
][ Art made by their hand can appear animated in subtle ways, petals or snow falling, wheat swaying in the winds, etc. This can be sketches, paintings, or even tapestries.​


Upon reaching tier three, the following join their respective pools as options to be taken:​
][ They have an almost otherworldly beauty to them, and maintaining their appearance is nearly effortless; their hair is always just as they want it, their skin is always clear, and their smile is always radiant.​
][ They are unblemished by ailments of the flesh; mundane diseases and infections don't find purchase, and poison has no effect on them.​

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