Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Sasuke "Decendent of Starbane"


Name: Nicholas Stormblade
Nickname/Alias: Stormy or Nick
Age: 16
Race: Human
Weight: Medium mostly slim
Hair: bright Silver
Identifying Marks: None
Appearance: Normaly where torn cloth tunic and have long baggy pants always carry dagger and a pack with me and have elf boots
Strengths: Archery swordmenship running and farming
Weaknesses and fears: afraid of water and dragons
Religion and cults: Christian
Profession: Trained as a farmer and part time Lumber Jack and knight

BackStory: My name is Nicholas Stormblade I am a decendent of the First Kings younger brother Cyberius Stormblade. I was sent to an orphanage when i was young and am adopted into the Ferims Family. I have a step brother and sister
Merry and Tyler. I live in the small village off Herisbrew and work there as a Lumber Jacks apprentice. My older brother left and joined the Royal Guard and lives in the High Elf Kings Kingdom far away in another land. I have recently finished my work at the Mill and am leaving to start my own life in Altera. I am new to most lands and hope to make my journey and life a good one.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
That's a 5 second copy past action... ;)
Reas some of the other profiles, think about it, rewrite it. Put some effort in it. It has to last a liftime in Altera.
We take Roleplay seriously here. (I don't even think I take it seriously enough myself sometimes...)