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[Saturday, July 1st] Trial of Ciaran Niall


The Green One
Retired Staff
Posters would be spread around the major cities Mockingbay, Halbed, Storm's Landing, and Aelmere.

Sangria Coat of Arms.png

The trial for Warden Niall is set to commence as soon as possible to expedite his departure back to his own lands. Any who are in possession of proof that he is or is not involved in slavery is asked to come forward. The proof being either records or firsthand eyewitness accounts.

Trial for Ciaran

Date & Time:
Saturday July 1st, 5 PM EST
10 PM GMT (I think)
Moderate, public.

(Posters will be posted as soon as I can get them made and up)​
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Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
There's a section under the Organised Events forum for Trials, by the way - oh, and Friday's the 30th.


Better than sliced bread
Can't; No official war rules. Only option is to cyberbully each other till one side gets banned.
please just kill each other in a war
Apparently it was to determine jurisdiction.
Blah blah. I want to kill him but he wouldn't consent. House Wise proposed the battle. Even IF we prove him guilty, if he wins a gamble, he gets released with no problems because otherwise he'll quit the server. I've taken so much OOC pity on him it's insane.


Bored Brit
Blah blah. I want to kill him but he wouldn't consent. House Wise proposed the battle. Even IF we prove him guilty, if he wins a gamble, he gets released with no problems because otherwise he'll quit the server. I've taken so much OOC pity on him it's insane.
so much in fact, that it is necessary to show everyone what a nice and honorabru guy you are by ousting how this guy feels about the current situation

*he thumb up*


Better than sliced bread
so much in fact, that it is necessary to show everyone what a nice and honorabru guy you are by ousting how this guy feels about the current situation

*he thumb up*
It's not like he's made it a secret. It's the fact that I cannot RP how I should because I don't want him to quit. Do you want me to just release him? Really?


Bored Brit
It's not like he's made it a secret. It's the fact that I cannot RP how I should because I don't want him to quit. Do you want me to just release him? Really?
if im honest i don't care enough, i just wanted to watch this thread in a fun fashion, and calling you out peaceable was the most entertaining way :)