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Seeking player for a Kane child


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Retired Owner

I am seeking a player who'd like to play a bastard child of Aleksandar Josef Kane. {Here's his profile} I decided some part of his story should still carry on with a new generation and it's like passing on the gift Elz and NIAH gave me in starting him out. Thank you both. it had its rollercoasters, but I'm happy with where he is now and what's become of him. He's still an alt/side character, since there's a few things he still has to do (I decide 'this is the last', but then more things happen. smh!), but I felt this was good time to start this.

Profile traits that she can carry on from the blood father's side:
Race: Human - Kaltic
Age: Currently 2-3? But you can age her up however much you want to be able to rp.
Eyes: Green or brown
Hair: He has darkbrown hair- almost black. Wavy.
Skin: Pale - But if you choose to deviate and pull from the mother's genes, it can be more brown.
Language: Common - Most likely will learn Rede
Home: Astakos

The child in question is named "Candice" - and she'll be nicknamed "Candy Kane" (b/c I wanted to!). Alek plans to take her in as her mother has taken ill. He doesn't care for the mother (npc), but has promised to give Candy an education or experience of the world. She's lived in Astakos since she was born- and he may have her grow up somewhere else. He has connections in Blackrush, Queensport, and with the Sea- so it's a matter of what path you want to start her off with to give her more background.

The mom- We'll talk about details of the mom. I'll give you choice of appearance/temperament, as all I'm going on is that her blood parents don't get along now.
Rp - I only play Alek if there's something he has planned- if he still lives in the long run, but we can get familiar before you age her up and make her own story. ie - I'm not looking for someone to attach to his hip

Requirements: Just be a semi-active player on the server. Once the character is yours- it's yours, even if you go inactive or get busy. Timezones don't matter- we can talk if our hours are way misaligned.
Send me a private convo or a discord chat and I'll see who'd I'd like to pass her on to play.

ask q's if there's more you want to know


Temp pic! This is a lure.​