Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Selling: Alll kind of stuff


Lord of Altera
hello all, mistaahh here

Well, I want money, and you probably want rescources, I'll sell you things you request here, prices to be bargained in a pm. I gather, you pay, also I will clear land if asked, once again, price and other details to be send in a private message

I've got different kinds of stuff, and will try gathering everything you ask.


Enchanted book: Feather falling IV (current bid: 5k)
Enchanted book: smite I (current bid: none)
Enchanted book: Projectile protection I
Enchanted book: Blast protection I

Running jobs:

  • Woodcutting: 1 double chest(oak) offer 5400 rads
  • Woodcutting: 1 double chest(spruce) offer 5400 rads
Just post here, and I'll send you a pm with details.

One more thing to say: gimme all your monies!

Mistaahh out
*slowly ascends upwards*


Lord of Altera
Keep it up guys, I want money to flow xD
Ok roo, I understand

And remember, I sell EVERYTHING and do EVERYTHING for you guys, if the price is right, and your patience is aswell


Lord of Altera
I need chests of logs, both oak and spruce, let's say a full double chest of each.

5000 rads per double chest, 10k total?